terça-feira, maio 30, 2006

Novos media, 2006

Novos media, 2006: "VALE A PENA ler a mais recente coluna de Steve Outing na Editor & Publisher: How to Get Ahead in the New Media Newsroom, Circa 2006. "
Fonte: via Ponto Media

Inconvenient Truth #11 at Box Office despite being in only 4 theaters

Inconvenient Truth #11 at Box Office despite being in only 4 theaters: "We don't expect a film based on a slide presentation to outdo Hollywood summer blockbusters at the box office, but we're happy to see that An Inconvenient Truth is doing very well so far: 'On Wednesday an inconvenient truth was the #11 movie in the country despite being in only 4 theaters, earning $78,994.'"

Googlearchy or Googlocracy?

Googlearchy or Googlocracy?: "Conventional wisdom says that search engines make big websites even more prominent. New research, though, says 'not so fast' on jumping to that conclusion."

Help define "open business"

Help define "open business": "Cory Doctorow: The OpenBusiness project (an academic venture that I'm an advisor to) has started an open forum to discuss what constitutes an 'open' business practice, and they're seeking your input: Yet, thinking practically, MySpace – one of the best known ‘open’ platforms for sharing content and information - recently changed its copyright policy following acquisition by Murdoch. Today everything which is uploaded to the site, your pictures, movies and recordings belongs, legally at least, to them. This position is clearly in opposition to some of the benefits sought by loosening intellectual property restrictions. The definition of ‘open’ also depends, in this regard, on encouraging communities which are sustainable. There is also another aspect of how “Openess” changes the way business operates: Big industrial organisational models which were made for the era of mass-media and mass-production make no sense anymore. An online record label run by a staff of three can perform similar functions to a big record label run by hundreds of"

Henry Jenkins and danah boyd on MySpace and scary stupid legislation

Henry Jenkins and danah boyd on MySpace and scary stupid legislation: "Congress doesn't seem to get in a tizzy about the destruction of the Internet as an engine of innovation, but the latest moral panic about what those crazy young people are doing online has led to some potentially disastrous legislation, the Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA) , which would require schools and libraries that receive federal aid “to protect minors from commercial social networking websites and chat rooms.” Henry Jenkins, co-director of the Comparative Media Stdies Program at MIT and author of the forthcoming (extremely important) book, Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide, together with danah boyd, PhD student at the School of Information, University of California-Berkeley, were interviewed recently by Sarah Wright of the MIT News Office, which is providing a full transcript of the interview online 'because we believe that it provides valuable information for parents, legislators and press who are concerned about the dangers of MySpace.' Jenkins and boyd invite parents to write them at myspaceissues@mit.edu"

Product Placement vs. Product Integration

Product Placement vs. Product Integration: "Not that long ago, I had a discussion with a seasoned veteran of television writing who was not happy with orders from above of blatant product integration in the show that person was writing for. It's been a common and growing complaint, so much so that the Writers Guild of America East recently released a statement calling for regluations of integration and inclusion of actors and writers both on the process of deciding appropriate uses of product integration and also to be included in the benefits. According to a story by Jon Lafayette for Television Week, the writers called for a distinction to be made between 'product placement' and 'product integration.' In this case, they are arguing against the use of blatant product placement versus natural product placement, an issue that has been close to our reserach over the past year, particularly through the research of my C3 colleague Alec Austin. Some television programs allow for product integration, using the WGA distinction, more than others. Particularly, it seems that reality television shows "

Convergence brings old companies to new media, reverse effect

Convergence brings old companies to new media, reverse effect: "In the past week or two, we've seen major moves by established 'old media' corporations to further in-roads in digital technology. But, of course, I use the designator 'old media' for television networks only loosely because it's becoming increasingly difficult to define networks as 'television oriented,' considering how rapidly almost every major name is moving content in different directions. For instance, there's our partner here at C3, MTV Networks, and their new URGE product, cashing in on the cultural cache of MTV, CMT, and VH1 with a digital downloading service that offers exclusive content from the established 'old media' names. Or look at ABC's initial success with streaming ad-supported content online, annoucing that tests with streaming content to 2.5 million views in under three weeks led to an 86 percent recall rate for advertising. Each ABC program downloaded included three advertisements. Conversely, Google has now expanded into video ads online, and CBS and AOL have announced an unprecedented plan for a transm"

Where 2.0: Pixie Hunt

Where 2.0: Pixie Hunt: "By brady Pixie Hunt is a location-based, mobile game that is coming out of Microsoft and we are proud to have it debut at and kick-off our Where 2.0 Conference this year. We are going to be supporting 10 teams in this hunt. Each team is armed with a phone (from Cingular), a GPS puck, and a Flickr account. In the game, teams compete with each other to take pictures of certain tasks ('take a photo of your team with a stranger in a scarf', 'take a picture of a corgie', etc). As a team completes a task and uploads their proof (a photo) to Flickr, the other teams are all shown your work and they see your score incremented. Jordan Schwartz explains the game in more detail: You load the application on your Windows Mobile 5.0 smartphone or PocketPC cameraphone, sign up for an account on Flickr and a group text messaging service, then wait for instructions. Your phone will download a set of tasks like the examples above and you're off. Each time you take a photo against a task, it's automatically uploaded to Flickr and tagged. "

Kids turn "teen repellent" sound into teacher-proof ringtone

Kids turn "teen repellent" sound into teacher-proof ringtone: "Cory Doctorow: Kids in the UK have co-opted an annoying noise sold to retailers as teenager-repellent and turned it into a ringtone. Mosquito is a high-pitched sound 'audible only to teenagers' sold by Britain's Compound Security. It is sold to shopkeepers to use as a teenager repellent -- the idea is to play it loudly in and around shops and 'chase away those annoying teenagers!!!' The kids have reportedly converted the high-pitched noise and turned it into a ringtone, which, being inaudible to grownups, can then be used to receive texts and calls in class without alerting teachers. This is either a magnificent hoax or just plain magnificent -- either way, I love this Little Brother Watches Back parable. Schoolchildren have recorded the sound, which they named Teen Buzz, and spread it from phone to phone via text messages and Bluetooth technology. Now they can receive calls and texts during lessons without teachers having the faintest idea what is going on. A secondary school teacher in Cardiff said: 'All the kids were laughing about something,"

UK online community websites

UK online community websites: "This BBC article says 'community websites MySpace and Bebo are fighting to see who is most popular among young people, reveals research.Analysis by Nielsen NetRatings shows the two companies have regularly swapped the top spot in sites that give people space to blog and post pictures'.Further,'the analysis shows that Bebo users tend to be younger than those on its rival with 54% of Beboers aged under 18 compared to 31% on MySpace.The audience on Bebo tends to make more use of the site spending,on average, one hour and 52 minutes on the site every month. MySpace members rack up only one hour 28 minutes a month'.This Netimperative article says,'despite its smaller overall audience there were more under 18’s on Bebo (1.17 million) than on MySpace (0.89 million) in April 2006.In addition,two-fifths (40%) of MySpace’s audience are over 35 compared to 28% of Bebo’s.Bebo is also more likely to be popular with women,their audience is 56% female compared to MySpace’s 46%.However,when it comes to actual size of the female audienc"

More People Living in Digital Cocoons

More People Living in Digital Cocoons: "A new lifestyle trend is springing up in South Korea, one of the world's most advanced digital hotbeds more and more folks are retreating to their homes instead of socializing with others. The Korea Times reports. Experts call the phenomenon 'digital cocooning'' because such a fad is enabled and accelerated by the digital revolution, which is occurring here in a full-fledged manner. 'The advent of Internet and wireless technology is generating two seemingly conflicting tendencies - some are enjoying a nomadic outdoor life thanks to wireless gadgets while others stay nested up at home with them,'' said Park Jung-hyun, a senior consultant at LG Economic Research Institute. 'The former can be called digital nomads, the latter digital cocoons, or ones who retreat into the seclusion of their homes for privacy or escape,'' Park added. 'If digital cocooning represents future trends, it is understandable that such digital alienation mushrooms in technologically-advanced Korea faster than other countries,'' he said. ... Samsung Head: Most Famous Digital Cocoon? Korea's richest busines"

Fanboy buys TV rights from BBC & releases DVD himself

Fanboy buys TV rights from BBC & releases DVD himself: "What do you do if your favourite comedy series never comes out on DVD? You could do as Craig Robins has just done - buy the rights and release the thing yourself."

TV networks stop suing PVRs, get clever instead

TV networks stop suing PVRs, get clever instead: "Cory Doctorow: CBS is launching a web/TV game this autumn that requires players to monitor programs and commercials to win up to $2 million in prizes. The network has taken this on as part of the challenge of getting viewers to watch ads in an era of PVRs with commercial-skipping capability. ABC has done something similar during the commercials for Lost. It's great to see the networks applying some creativity to the problem of surviving technological change -- it's a welcome switch from their tactic to date, which is whining in court about the big bad PVR makers who naughtily allow viewers to control what's on their own TVs. NBC's popular sitcom 'The Office,' for example, put together fake public-service announcements that mimic NBC's own 'The More You Know,' a series of PSAs featuring actors, writers and directors delivering the messages. Because 'The Office' PSAs so closely resembled actual PSAs, viewers did not realize they were fake until the announcement series took a bizarre, humorous turn. The fake PSAs also can be viewed for free on "

Watching online video

Watching online video: "This marketingvox.com article says 'the number of online video watchers in the U.S. increased 18 percent in six months,from October 2005 and March 2006,according to comScore's first-ever study of video viewing habits,writes ClickZ.In March,viewers initiated 3.7 billion online video content streams and on average watched nearly 100 minutes of video content,compared with 85 minutes in October,according to comScore's new Video Metrix service.Men initiated 52 percent of those streams,women 48 percent,in March,and men spent on average two hours with the content,women, 1.3 hours.Males 18-34 spent the most time with online video,averaging 140 minutes,but all age groups are watching online video'.Looking at one of the sites benefiting from those numbers this pbs article YouTube CEO Hails ‘Birth of a New Clip Culture’ says 'Julie Supan,senior director of marketing for YouTube,said the site now serves up 35 million videos per day,and users upload 35,000 videos per day,with 100 million page views per day. These are massive numbers for a site that’s not even a year ol"

segunda-feira, maio 29, 2006


CrowdSourcing: "Wired reports on the rise CrowdSourcing: Technological advances in everything from product design software to digital video cameras are breaking down the cost barriers that once separated amateurs from professionals. Hobbyists, part-timers, and dabblers suddenly have a market for their efforts, as smart companies in industries as disparate as pharmaceuticals and television discover ways to tap the latent talent of the crowd. The labor isn’t always free, but it costs a lot less than paying traditional employees. It’s not outsourcing; it’s crowdsourcing."

A third of us are TV pirates: survey

A third of us are TV pirates: survey: "Over a third of broadband users are now regularly downloading pirated television episodes on their home internet connection, according to Whirlpool's latest survey of over 16,000 of its members."

Marriage Is Bad For Scientists: They Stop Inventing.

Marriage Is Bad For Scientists: They Stop Inventing.: "'The productivity of male scientists tends to drop right after marriage,' says Kanazawa in an e-mail interview from his current office at the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom. 'Scientists tend to 'desist' from scientific research upon marriage, just like criminals desist from crime upon marriage.'"

48 million Americans have posted online

48 million Americans have posted online: "A new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project says home broadband adoption is going mainstream, which means user-generated content is coming from all kinds of internet users,... "

domingo, maio 28, 2006

TV networks stop suing PVRs, get clever instead

TV networks stop suing PVRs, get clever instead: "Cory Doctorow: CBS is launching a web/TV game this autumn that requires players to monitor programs and commercials to win up to $2 million in prizes. The network has taken this on as part of the challenge of getting viewers to watch ads in an era of PVRs with commercial-skipping capability. ABC has done something similar during the commercials for Lost. It's great to see the networks applying some creativity to the problem of surviving technological change -- it's a welcome switch from their tactic to date, which is whining in court about the big bad PVR makers who naughtily allow viewers to control what's on their own TVs. NBC's popular sitcom 'The Office,' for example, put together fake public-service announcements that mimic NBC's own 'The More You Know,' a series of PSAs featuring actors, writers and directors delivering the messages. Because 'The Office' PSAs so closely resembled actual PSAs, viewers did not realize they were fake until the announcement series took a bizarre, humorous turn. The fake PSAs also can be viewed for free on "

Product Placement vs. Product Integration

Product Placement vs. Product Integration: "Not that long ago, I had a discussion with a seasoned veteran of television writing who was not happy with orders from above of blatant product integration in the show that person was writing for. It's been a common and growing complaint, so much so that the Writers Guild of America East recently released a statement calling for regluations of integration and inclusion of actors and writers both on the process of deciding appropriate uses of product integration and also to be included in the benefits. According to a story by Jon Lafayette for Television Week, the writers called for a distinction to be made between 'product placement' and 'product integration.' In this case, they are arguing against the use of blatant product placement versus natural product placement, an issue that has been close to our reserach over the past year, particularly through the research of my C3 colleague Alec Austin. Some television programs allow for product integration, using the WGA distinction, more than others. Particularly, it seems that reality television shows "

MySpace Has Finally Made It.

MySpace Has Finally Made It.: "Everyone knows the rule: it’s not really a cultural phenomenon until Hugh Hefner gets the women of it to take off their clothes. (Okay, so I made the rule up, but think about it - you know I’m right.) Well, folks, social networking is now, officially, a cultural phenomenon, as Playboy this month presents the Girls of MySpace. (Link decidedly unsafe for work, obviously.) Personally, I’m waiting for the girls of JDate - my parents will be so proud. Tags: smithmag, Playboy, MySpace, Hugh, Hefner, JDate Read the new SMITH magazine: Your stories. The personal, raw, honest, memoirs, brushes with fame, close encounters, photo essays, and other ways we reveal the narratives of our lives. Everyone has a story. Everyone is a SMITH. "

Top 10 Strangest Gadgets of the Future

Top 10 Strangest Gadgets of the Future: "Memory LCD, EyeMove PC, Transparent Toaster and 7 more make up this list of the top 10 strangest futuristic gadgets."

BBC Head ‘Confident’ but Worried

BBC Head ‘Confident’ but Worried: "Mark Thompson, director general of the BBC, is the keynote speaker at the International Press Institute’s 2006 World Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland. He raises three key questions: First, is public service journalism, broadcasting in particular, under threat? Yes, he says, citing BBC’s commitment to impartial and independent journalism. Second, should we care? Yes, again, he says. An open market in opinions and ideas is essential in an open society, he says. But “impartial journalism in the public-service tradition,” he says, has a great value as well. It helps create common ground, and helps people be confronted by different values than the ones they hold themselves. Finally, what can we do about it? It’s not about public service journalism dominating its world, he says, but so that it can persist and remain influential. He suggests that there’s no escaping the civic choice implicit in its existence, which requires investment. It needs public and political support, and then the politician"

How iPod Took Over The World

How iPod Took Over The World: "The Observer takes a look at why Apple's iPod has risen to become the most sought-after product in the company's history, and why people love it so much."

sexta-feira, maio 26, 2006

Controversy about our "Web 2.0" service mark

Controversy about our "Web 2.0" service mark: "By brady Sara Winge, our VP of Corporate Communications, asked me to post this: The blogosphere has been buzzing today about O'Reilly sending a cease-and-desist letter to IT@Cork, demanding (yes, that's the legal term) that they not use 'Web 2.0' in the title of their conference. I'd like to give the O'Reilly perspective, and clear up a few things. You'd be hearing from Tim, but he's off the grid, on a (rare) vacation. O'Reilly and CMP co-produce the Web 2.0 conference. 'Web 2.0' was coined when we were brainstorming the concept for the first conference in 2003. As noted in the letter to IT@Cork (sent from CMP's attorney, but with our knowledge and agreement), 'CMP has a pending application for registration of Web 2.0 as a service mark, for arranging and conducting live events, namely trade shows, expositions, business conferences and educational conferences in various fields of computers and information technology.' To protect the brand we've established with our two Web 2.0 Conferences, we're taking steps to register 'Web 2.0' "

Convenience Tax

Convenience Tax: "By nat Disney's trial of Internet-available shows netted 3M downloads in the first two weeks. The shows were free, though the article says they're experimenting with business models and some shows 'may' be charged for. Of course they'll be charged for! iTunes is making $2/show off the same episodes, so Disney wants to know how many of the people behind the 3M downloads will stick around (remember, you don't know the number of downloaders, only the number of shows they downloaded). Of course, BitTorrent users know that you can get those shows, and many more, from tvtorrent.info within hours of broadcast for free, stripped of ads, and often in the original HD broadcast format. Disney and iTunes are charging the convenience tax: you don't get sued (whatever the actual risk of that might be, it's perceived as a big risk by most civilians) and you just click in an application you already use and it's right there waiting for you. Disney's downloads already have ads in them. How much lower will the demand be if you have to pay and get ads? And what will h"

US: Newsrooms progressing toward convergence

US: Newsrooms progressing toward convergence: "Convergence: the much talked-about concept referring to a continuous stream of news via different forms of media. But convergence also means cooperation, as Washington Post and USA Today editors emphasized at a panel during last week’s Editor & Publisher/Mediaweek Interactive Media Conference."

Germany: New trends in podcasting

Germany: New trends in podcasting: "A 'Podcastday' was part of a media conference in Cologne, Germany, last week. Podcasters and media experts discussed trends and potentials of podcasting, reports Die Welt. One and a half year after the first audiobloggers started podcasting in Germany, the podcasting scene is striving for different goals. Some want to earn money by advertising spots and sponsoring, others just want to have fun. And still others, especially marketing and PR experts or TV and radio professionals, but also teachers, begin to take an interest in podcasting. "

quarta-feira, maio 24, 2006

Scotland: Web 3.0 plans materialize

Scotland: Web 3.0 plans materialize: "As Internet media advances continue to generate buzz, the tech-savvy are talking about an updated, even more media-intensive online experience: Web 3.0. At the International World Wide Web Conference in Edinburgh, plans for Web development are building, the International Herald Tribune reported. Web 2.0, a term for the post-millennium dot-com boom era just now gaining mainstream recognition, includes customized, interactive elements like Google Maps, MySpace and Yahoo Answers. Proponents of Web 3.0 hope to develop something even more programmed, integrated and revolutionary. Source: The International Herald Tribune "

segunda-feira, maio 22, 2006

Large, not small papers losing readers to Web

Large, not small papers losing readers to Web: "The rise of free Internet news is not financially impacting small-town newspapers as much as those in big cities, according to research and consulting group Outsell Inc."

Large, not small papers losing readers to Web

Large, not small papers losing readers to Web: "The rise of free Internet news is not financially impacting small-town newspapers as much as those in big cities, according to research and consulting group Outsell Inc."

The Attention Trust

The Attention Trust: "One key to the inherent power (and value) of attention, is that without external attention our ideas and actions are virtually meaningless. Unlike TV, where you are served a finite amount of channels on a set schedule, the internet is a pull medium; our attention is invaluable. So much so that internet sites are tracking us. Some overtly (like requiring registration) others less so (i.e. planting spyware). As a result, a nonprofit has founded the Attention Trust. They've developed their own software (or you can use an approved online service called Root) that allows you to track your own internet usage. It's a bit like spying on yourself, except it's all above board. Later on, you can review on your habits, which may provide some insights, and you can share your information with whoever you wish (and only with those you wish). Privacy is key. Our attention is ours and we have a right to this proprietary information. TAGS: Internet, Non-profit, "

Video Games ARE Good For Children

Video Games ARE Good For Children: "'Playing computer games may actually be good for children, according to a government study that found no proof that even violent games triggered aggressive behaviour.'"

Switched on, burnt out

Switched on, burnt out: "Mobile phones, email, Blackberries - technology has made us available all day, every day. But at what price, asks Karen Kissane. What price this noisy revolution, with its demands for everyone to be available everywhere, at every moment? How do we pay for the convenience of being able to keep tabs on the kids while we are at work, and tabs on work while we are with the kids? What is happening to solitude, attentiveness, and the boundaries between the public and private spheres in the age of mobiles and Blackberries, SMS and email? read the full article on The Age "

How P2P lending is changing the credit industry

How P2P lending is changing the credit industry: "Cory Doctorow: Salon's Farhad Manjoo has a long feature today about new, net-based peer-to-peer loan services. These services, like prosper.com, encourage borrowers to post personal accounts of their financial situations -- the kind of material that doesn't show up on a credit report, like the fact that you accumulated your debt going through school and are about to graduate into a good job -- and then allows individuals to act as lenders by putting small sums together in a syndicate to make the loan. So if you want $5,000, you might get it from 50 people who share your interest over three years. Interest rates are also determined between lenders and borrowers, and are much lower than the predatory high-risk rates charged by credit cards and payday loan centers (which can charge a whopping 521 percent API). Lenders are encouraged to diversify their loans, spreading out their investment in $50-or-up chunks that are spread among borrowers with different risk profiles. The sites report that their default rate is no worse than a credit-card company's, even though t"

Internet surfers pass a billion

Internet surfers pass a billion: "More than one billion people worldwide have Internet access, an eMarketer survey reports, 845 million being regular users. In late 2005, a quarter of those billion users had broadband connections. The survey comes at the same time as a report that 5 to 10 percent of Internet users will likely experience an addiction, according to Perspectives in Psychiatric Care journal. Source: Breitbart.com, news.com (through European Journalism Centre)"

sábado, maio 20, 2006

The consequences of Yahoo's new homepage for newspapers

The consequences of Yahoo's new homepage for newspapers: "The world's most popular Internet company Yahoo has previewed a redesigned webpage that focuses on providing its users with personalized information and the creation of 'social search.' Instead of only seeing a universal website, users will be able to customize Yahoo's homepage and their searches will be based on the 'collective wisdom of its users.' With such innovations, Yahoo is (unconsciously?) aiming for the throat of newspapers, but at the same time, is going to depend on them. "

Video Social Networking Enables Movie-Mashup Contest

Video Social Networking Enables Movie-Mashup Contest: "Warner Independent Pictures has tapped startup video editing and social networking community Jumpcut.com to promote Richard Linklater's movie 'A Scanner Darkly,' which opens July 7. Contestants can go online to remix the movie's video and still clips into a trailer to promote the film. This is reported in Information Week. The call went out on Tuesday to re-cut, remix or remake the film trailer based on the novel by Philip K. Dick. Warner Bros Independent Pictures supplied 49 still images and 23 video clips. There have been about two-dozen video clips made by 84 members. 'Instead of having one movie trailer out, Warner Independent has many, and this is only the first day,' said Mike Folgner, Miravida Media chief executive officer and co-founder on Wednesday. 'By the end of this contest they could have hundreds of movie trailers that are passed from friend to friend.' "

sexta-feira, maio 19, 2006

Yahoo! Unveils Video Sharing Site

Yahoo! Unveils Video Sharing Site: "The new video site includes videos from around the web and a few from Yahoo! users as well. The top navigation bar references 'My Studio' which could be a way for anyone to author and upload their own video files or maybe add some special effects. The new site supports personal favorites, tagging, and ratings of each video."

ABC shows offered online viewed 3 million times in 2 weeks

ABC shows offered online viewed 3 million times in 2 weeks: "Viewers have watched ABC shows online about 3 million times since the Walt Disney Co. network launched the free service just over two weeks ago. The two-month trial began earlier this month, allowing viewers to watch four programs online, with commercials. Looks like a success- how many other networks are going to try this?"

quinta-feira, maio 18, 2006

Is convergence a good idea for newsrooms?

Is convergence a good idea for newsrooms?: "'Convergence' is a common buzzword being thrown around newsrooms nowadays. Just as new media is changing journalism, editors and journalists have to learn how to change with it. But how? Three recent articles by media veterans discuss what the term means and overwhelmingly conclude that newsrooms are walking a fine line if they are considering combining their traditional and new media functions:"

Reuters lança Newsbeats

Reuters lança Newsbeats: "UM PODCAST verdadeiramente original. Notícias misturadas com música. Chama-se Newsbeats e a ideia é da Reuters. O processo de produção está explicado aqui."
Fonte: via Ponto Media

Yahoo: Content is not king

Yahoo: Content is not king: "Yahoo Chairman Terry Semel says that while great media companies have great content, 'content alone will fail. Content and distribution will fail. You have to have technology.'... "

Publisher, be very, very afraid?

Publisher, be very, very afraid?: "By tim I just saw a printed copy of the New York Times Magazine issue that contains Kevin Kelly's brilliant essay What Will Happen To Books? (It's called 'Scan This Book!' in the online version.) Kevin did an amazing job of bringing the potential of the universal electronic library to life, and highlighting both the issues and the opportunities. So I was really disgusted to see the cover treatment of the article bearing the subtitle, 'Reader, take heart! (Publisher, be very, very afraid.)' This is yellow journalism, pandering to fear of the future. Publishers need to get with the opportunity, not be afraid of it! As I've argued previously, in essays like Piracy is Progressive Taxation, the role of 'publishing' is rediscovered in each new medium after a period in which everyone argues that the playing field has been leveled once and for all. I was writing about music and film being threatened by peer-to-peer networks, but the same argument applies to books: The music and film industries like to suggest that file sharing networks will "

Os novos jornalistas e os novos media

Os novos jornalistas e os novos media: "OS NOVOS jornalistas precisam de saber produzir para os novos media, diz o director do The New York Times. "

MySpace's Growth is its Own Undoing

MySpace's Growth is its Own Undoing: "'It got too fake,' 18 year old Summer Stoker said. 'You have all these people saying they want to be your friend. It's just a waste of time.'"

Advertisers and networks now terrified of DVRs

Advertisers and networks now terrified of DVRs: "DVRs are causing a widespread fear among TV advertising players on both sides. The ad agencies and their clients don't want to pay full price since people now use DVRs to skip commercials. The networks say that it's the same thing as the rise of the VCR, and there's no reason why the price of a 30-second spot should be lowered."

Advertisers and networks now terrified of DVRs

Advertisers and networks now terrified of DVRs: "DVRs are causing a widespread fear among TV advertising players on both sides. The ad agencies and their clients don't want to pay full price since people now use DVRs to skip commercials. The networks say that it's the same thing as the rise of the VCR, and there's no reason why the price of a 30-second spot should be lowered."

Citizen media site finds investors

Citizen media site finds investors: "Rafat Ali at PaidContent reports that Enthusiast Group, Steve Outing’s citizen media venture, has received funding from 11 investors. The group’s first site dedicated to mountain biking (YourMTB.com) has been up and running for about a month. "

quarta-feira, maio 17, 2006

BBC R&D Mega-TiVo

BBC R&D Mega-TiVo: "By nat When I visited BBC R&D labs last year after EuroOSCON, I saw an absolutely astonishing system. Macro is a few PCs with video capture cards recording a pile of domestic British channels and storing the encoded files for later playback. Tom Loosemore talked about this today at XTech so at long last the cat's out of the bag and I can talk about it. You can see it in operation here but actual show downloads are password-protected (and you can't get a password, for obvious reasons). Macro is gorgeous. It consumes the BBC's electronic program guide to determine when shows begin and end, who's in them, etc. There was a way sexy PHP interface (written, I think, by the fantastic Phil Gyford) to the archived programs that let you subscribe to shows, actors, keywords, etc. (I don't recognize the current UI, so I think the cool social software is still inside the R&D firewall). It's social software, so you can see what your friends are watching, your friends can recommend shows, and shows can simply bubble up to your attention because a lot of yo"

RFID snakes and ladders

RFID snakes and ladders: "Stefan Kolgen points Smartmobs readers to the RFID based game RFID Snakes and Ladders. The game is actually played by tenants of the Media Centre in Huddersfield (UK). During the last quarter of 2006, the game will be played in Antwerp (Belgium). RFID Snakes and Ladders is one of a number of experiments in mixed reality gaming, using the real world as the board for an online game, including Pac-Manhattan in New York and Mogi in Tokyo. "

15 passos para reinventar o jornalismo

15 passos para reinventar o jornalismo: "LEONARD Witt, professor da Kennesaw State University, escrveu um excelente artigo de 37 páginas que vale a pena ler: Constructing a Framework to Enable an Open Source Reinvention of Journalism. Foi apresentado na conferência Openness: Code, Science and Content, organizada pela revista científica First Monday."
Fonte: via Ponto Media

O admirável mundo novo dos media públicos

O admirável mundo novo dos media públicos: "PARA LER, na Wired: Brave New World for Public Media."
Fonte: via Ponto Media

Web 2.0 is just getting started

Web 2.0 is just getting started: "Forbes Erika Brown chatted with AOL's Jeremy Liew and Yahoo!'s James Slavet about some of the perspectives of Web 2.0. Here is the article. Liew: 'Personalization is going to revolutionize the Web. It's an idea people have been talking about since 1996. There's active personalization, which only works when it's about self-expression, like MySpace. Then there's passive personalization, which is when a company provides you information based on watching what you do, though not necessarily in a creepy way'. Slavet: 'With the proliferation of 'open source' software and viral marketing programs, Internet companies can reach millions of users with less money than before. [Open-source software allows customers to tweak a software program's underlying code, so technology companies are essentially getting programmers for free.]'"

Metal 3D Printing

Metal 3D Printing: "By brady When I was at the maker faire the other week, there were a ton of striking projects (including Onomy Labs's niftytilty table - you'll see that at the Where Faire). One attraction that stood out to me was Bathsheba's booth with her metal sculptures. They are amazing. pShe makes these with a 3D metal printer. Though I had heard about 3D printing of this sort and read about it I had never seen objects of this complexity and beauty in person (how long till trading designs like these around are a regular part of p2p apps?). Bre Pettis has posted a video interview with Bathsheba on the Make blog. If you are curious about this topic it is worth watching (or for a slightly smaller download check out her How To Start 3D Printing PDF). "

terça-feira, maio 16, 2006

AOL To Launch YouTube Killer - AOL Uncut

AOL To Launch YouTube Killer - AOL Uncut: "'Prepare for the launch of AOL Uncut (currently in open beta), a near perfect clone of YouTube.'"

FreeCulture activist event in SecondLife

FreeCulture activist event in SecondLife: "Cory Doctorow: James sez, 'He's protested DRM on the streets and he's helped spearhead the student movement for copyright reform. This Thursday, Fred Benenson comes to Second Life (where he's known as 'Fred Beckersted') to promote and expand the meaning of free culture in the virtual world. Appropriately enough, he'll be appearing at the new Free Culture Art Gallery featuring cool CC-licensed works, hosted by the official Creative Commons office on Joi Ito's SL island of Kula.' Link (Thanks, James!) "

MTV Launches Online Music, Video Store

MTV Launches Online Music, Video Store: "For years, MTV Networks Inc. sat on the sidelines while Apple Computer Inc., RealNetworks Inc. and others racked up sales of music downloads. Now the cable network group that helped popularize music videos two decades ago is entering the online music fray with URGE, a new service that makes its public beta debut on Wednesday."

MySpace to Offer of TV Show '24'

MySpace to Offer of TV Show '24': "News Corp.' MySpace.com next week plans to begin offering $1.99-an-episode downloads of two seasons of the popular Fox drama '24.' It also will offer free downloads of two episodes of '24' sponsored by Burger King Holdings."

A Glance at ProgrammableWeb

A Glance at ProgrammableWeb: "By brady John Musser has reported that Flickr just reached 68 mashups on ProgrammableWeb. That's around 10% of the total mashups registered on his site. This is a great way to measure the health of a given API in comparison to other APIs of the same class. When looking at all of the APIs you can see Google Maps reigns supreme, but it's interesting to note that relative newcomer (it was added in February) 411sync (SMS) is rising. It accounted for 10% of the mashups contributed in the past 14 days.411sync is being exactly the way I expect Mozes API to be used when it comes out. Websites like kayak.com, hotornot.com, and zevents are gaining a phone interface and providing more power to their users. "

Internet-Connected Appliances Could Lower Energy Bills

Internet-Connected Appliances Could Lower Energy Bills: "Pilot test in Washington and Oregon lets dryers and water heaters check electricity prices and decide if its worth waiting until off-peak times."

segunda-feira, maio 15, 2006

Kevin Kelly on future libraries: Scan This Book!

Kevin Kelly on future libraries: Scan This Book!: "Xeni Jardin: Snip from an article by Kevin Kelly from this weekend's New York Times Magazine: When Google announced in December 2004 that it would digitally scan the books of five major research libraries to make their contents searchable, the promise of a universal library was resurrected. Indeed, the explosive rise of the Web, going from nothing to everything in one decade, has encouraged us to believe in the impossible again. Might the long-heralded great library of all knowledge really be within our grasp? Brewster Kahle, an archivist overseeing another scanning project, says that the universal library is now within reach. 'This is our chance to one-up the Greeks!' he shouts. 'It is really possible with the technology of today, not tomorrow. We can provide all the works of humankind to all the people of the world. It will be an achievement remembered for all time, like putting a man on the moon.' And unlike the libraries of old, which were restricted to the elite, this library would be truly democratic, offering every book to every"

GPS barcodes on Manhattan?

GPS barcodes on Manhattan?: "By nikolaj On the Geowanking mailing list comes rumour from Dodgeball's Dennis Crowley that light posts on Manhattan are being geotagged. Start looking at all the light posts in the city, about 7-8 feet off the ground. Every single one has a barcode. Steve Bull clued me in to this on Wednesday night. He said a few weeks ago, he was walking along and ran into a few guys with a huge GPS unit and a 6-foot antenna. They were placing the bar codes and correlating them with their respective geocoords. He didn't know who they were or why there were doing it. Does anyone know what's going on? Did the Semacode guys get funding, is Google feeling threatened by Gumspots or is this just the latest efficiency project from the NY Dept of Public Works? If the latter, will datasets be open and available?"

Word 2007 vai ter ferramenta para escrever blogs

Word 2007 vai ter ferramenta para escrever blogs: "SERÁ possível escrever directamente para um blog a partir do Word 2007. A notícia foi dada no weblog de Joe Friend, responsável do desenvolvimento do Word na Microsoft. [dica de Slashdot] "
Fonte: via Ponto Media

Word 2007 vai ter ferramenta para escrever blogs

Word 2007 vai ter ferramenta para escrever blogs: "SERÁ possível escrever directamente para um blog a partir do Word 2007. A notícia foi dada no weblog de Joe Friend, responsável do desenvolvimento do Word na Microsoft. [dica de Slashdot] "
Fonte: via Ponto Media

Web gets more listeners than AM/FM

Web gets more listeners than AM/FM: "Nearly one in four (24 per cent) listens online compared with 21 per cent who tune in to analogue broadcasts. Seventeen per cent use digital (Dab) radio and nine per cent get the programmes via their TV. The remaining 29 per cent represent the proportion of Virgin regulars who do not tune in at all on a given day."

Adult film industry is way ahead of Hollywood on tech curve, again.

Adult film industry is way ahead of Hollywood on tech curve, again.: "It's another first for adult film companies that pioneered the home video market and rushed to the Internet when Hollywood studios still saw it as a threat. Direct download to DVD starting Monday."

A atenção dividida dos consumidores

A atenção dividida dos consumidores: "UM ARTIGO muito interessante no The New York Times de hoje sobre o que os publicitários e não só estão a fazer para perceber como é os consumidores tomam atenção a vários media em simultâneo."
Fonte: via Ponto Media

Local, community, you: an exemplary news site is born

Local, community, you: an exemplary news site is born: "If you talk to any media watcher nowadays, they don’t hesitate to tell you that the globalized world of 24-hour news stations and humongous international news organizations means that smaller newspapers need to focus more on their immediate communities. They also won’t flinch in mentioning that most local newspapers are doing a poor job. A few models of the “new newspaper” exist to which they refer enthusiastically. But a recently launched local website has joined the fray and could become the new reference point. The difference is, it’s not a newspaper."

Long Tail evidence from Safari and Google Book Search

Long Tail evidence from Safari and Google Book Search: "By tim Last fall, I came to the defense of Google against lawsuits by the Author's Guild and Association of American Publishers, arguing that Google Book Search would help readers to rediscover works that were no longer commercially available. I pointed out, in fact, that only about 4% of all titles ever published are still being commercially exploited. (Kevin Kelly wrote a long report on the current state of book scanning initiatives in yesterday's New York Times Magazine.) A recent study by Roger Magoulas and Ben Lorica of O'Reilly Research provided strong data to support the assertion that online access drives usage of content that is generally not available in print. We compared sales reported through Nielsen Bookscan for the fourth quarter of 2005 with access logs from both O'Reilly's Safari Books Online service and from Google Book Search. The result provides compelling support for Chris Anderson's 'long tail' theory. The methodology we used was to divide the titles in the Bookscan top 10,000 into deciles. We then plotted the number of Safari views for "

domingo, maio 14, 2006

Grassroots Use of Technology Conference 2006

Grassroots Use of Technology Conference 2006: "[bliki | What is a bliki?] 7th Annual Organizers' Collaborative Grassroots Use of Technology Conference Saturday, June 17, 2006 -- 8:30 to 5:30 U of Massachusetts, Boston Wheatley Hall - Snowden Auditorium-Register Schedule We aim to present tools that make the sometimes challenging tasks associated with nonprofits and organizing much easier to accomplish, so that our groups and movements can better achieve their goals. The Keynote presentation at this conference will be delivered by folks from the Citizen Action Team., who used grassroots technology to organize aid for hurricane Katrina relief victims. CONFIRMED WORKSHOPS Here are the workshops confirmed as of 5/9: * Hosting 101: How to register your domain name and find a place to put your web site -- Jamie Mcclelland, May First Technology Collective * Technology Decision-Making for the Non-Technical Executive -- Alissa Fencsik, Harbinger Partners * Changing the Look and Feel of Your Content Management System -- Ben Dimaggio, IT Consultant * Simple, Cheap and Secure Options for Credit Card Donations "

Your Ad Here

Your Ad Here: "The New York Times reports on advertising’s worst nightmare/huge opportunity: user-created advertising. Here’s a piece: User-generated content, best known for fueling the popularity of Web sites like YouTube and MySpace, is rapidly taking hold in advertising. Dozens of entries were submitted for the Current contest, and Mr. Ibele’s commercial will run for one to two months on the network. In the coming weeks, more user-generated ads for companies like L’Oréal and Toyota will follow the Sony commercial. “User-generated content is sort of the word of the day,” said Anne Zehren, the president of sales and marketing for Current TV, which was started last August. “And I think smart marketers will start harnessing that.” Early SMITH readers will recall we put out a call for readers to create ads for their favorite brands and products. We received a few responses (some we’re still trying to make sense of) and our offer still stands right here. Tags: smithmag, user-generated, advertising, Read the new SMITH magazine"

What is Transmedia?

What is Transmedia?: "Aayush Iyer, a regular follower of our blog and who has an intriguing blog of his own called The Voice of A, has written the beginning of a primer on transmedia. Aayush comes from a publishing background, and, since I come from a journalism background, I found his emphasis on blogging, community journalism, and the importance of print media to find its place to be pretty useful. In Aayush's case, his definition focuses strongly on the ways in which print media, visual media, and Web media should work together. In the case of journalism, each medium must realize its own strengths and weaknesses, and the use of transmedia in journalism allows each to augment the other to create a stronger whole. The principles here apply pretty strongly to transmedia in the entertainment industry as well and even to transmedia storytelling where, in a perfect world, transmedia storytelling experiences would fully utilize the powers of each particular medium. As I'm sure Aayush would agree, professionals in the world of journalism and in the world of storytelling (aren't those t"

Fan Generated Content--The Skeletor Show

Fan Generated Content--The Skeletor Show: "I want to thank Siddiq Bello from Turner Broadcasting, one of our partners here in the Convergence Culture Consortium, for passing along this really interesting example of the power of fan-generated content and the abilities of a remix culture-- YouTube has become a vibrant outlet for fan-generated content. (You can even find a video of my managerial services at work in a Universal Championship Wrestling pro wrestling card in Owensboro, Ky., filmed by someone in the audience and posted on YouTube.) A recent example, and this is a real kick of nostalgia for those of you from the He-Man generation like me, but YouTube features The Skeletor Show, which creators describe as 'a heartwarming story of the most evil man in the universe' made 'in the style of Sealab 2021.' The episodes, usually about three or four minutes in length, use visuals from the original Masters of the Universe cartoons to create a show from the perspective of the antagonist, Skeletor. The series is going to be in line with most fan-generated content, in that i"

Chris Anderson's Long Tail talk last night

Chris Anderson's Long Tail talk last night: "By tim Chris Anderson and Will Hearst spoke about the Long Tail last night as part of The Long Now Foundation's seminar series. Stewart Brand wrote up this report: You know something is up when an audience member is taking cell phone photos of the presenter's slides for instant transmittal to a business partner. Chris Anderson does have killer slides, full of exuberant detail, defining the exact shape of the still emerging opportunity space for finding and selling formerly infindable and unsellable items of every imaginable description. The 25 million music tracks in the world. All the TV ever broadcast. Every single amateur video. All that is old, arcane, micro-niche, against-the-grain, undefinable, or remote is suddenly as accessible as the top of the pops. 'The power law is the shape of our age,' Anderson asserted, showing the classic ski-jump curve of popularity--- a few things sell in vast quantity, while a great many things sell in small quantity. It's the natural product of variety, inequality, and network effect sifting, which amplifies the inequali"

Australians considering relaxing copyright laws

Australians considering relaxing copyright laws: "The Australian Government is finally getting the message, proposing changes that will make the recording of copyrighted material for personal use, eg Ripping CDs and taping off tv, legal."

Build your own Myspace social network - Mysql howto

Build your own Myspace social network - Mysql howto: "Want to design your own social network website? You can do it with PHP and Mysql. Complete with how to setup your Mysql tables and the queries to use."

Scan This Book!

Scan This Book!: "The article by Kevin Kelly in today’s New York Times Magazine is a masterful explanation of the impact on knowledge that will evolve from the inevitable digitizing of all of the books ever written. And that is just he first half of the article. The second half of this outstanding essay, called Scan This Book!, explains the hurdles and confusions of the copyright chaos now engulfing creative publication. An irony of the article is that it will itself only be a part of the open content it explains for the few days during which it is available without payment to the New York Times Archives."

London 2006, Meet 1984

London 2006, Meet 1984: "By tim Slashdot reports this morning on disturbing news from the UK, the front lines of the surveillance society, under the title London 2006, Meet London 1984: 'Shoreditch TV is an experiment[al] TV channel beaming live footage from the street into people's homes. According to the Telegraph, U.K. television will broadcast from 400 surveillance cameras on the streets, into peoples homes. For now they are only showing it to 22,000 homes, but next year they plan on going national with the 'show'. They fly under the flag 'fighting crime from the sofa'.' 1984 indeed. I don't know whether to be horrified by the rise of the surveillance society, or excited by the headlong rush to a future long imagined by science-fiction. There's a part of me that always regards news from the future with excitement, whether its good or bad, because times of change are interesting times, times when we are called on to act. David Brin's book , or Simson Garfinkel's Database Nation are both appropriate re-reads in the face of this trend. "

sexta-feira, maio 12, 2006

Google Maps nos sites noticiosos

Google Maps nos sites noticiosos: "JÁ AQUI falei do perigo que pode representar (em horas de trabalho perdidas… ou ganhas) um simples click neste site, mas agora não posso deixar de chamar a atenção para dois posts que me parecem indispensáveis: > How Google Maps is used in News & Media - Part 1. > How Google Maps is used in News & Media - Part 2. A parte 3 vem a caminho… "

Will Wright: USD 600 PS3, Wii, Nintendo DS Lite

Will Wright: USD 600 PS3, Wii, Nintendo DS Lite: "Quotes: 'I am working on a book right now.' 'Six hundred bucks; that is a lot of money. I'm rooting for Nintendo.' 'I am playing with my DS a lot. I am playing Brain Age and Sudoku.'"

BBC music festival simultaneously in-game and in real-life

BBC music festival simultaneously in-game and in real-life: "Cory Doctorow: This weekend, the BBC's Radio 1 is holding its One Big Weekend music festival simultaneously in Dundee and in the virtual world Second Life: Every virtual festival-goer will get a wee digital radio to take away with them, which will broadcast Radio 1 in-game, wherever you are. There's also, I hear, these Radio 1 teeshirts for your avatars. And dancing. And a chance that you could appear on-screen at the actual festival - the jumbotrons may or may not take screengrabs of the in-game festivalgoers. Link "

Where: Geo Developer Day at Google

Where: Geo Developer Day at Google: "By brady How often do you get to spend a day at Google? Well, if you are attending Where 2.0 and you are quick to click you’ll get a chance to do just that. Join us at the Googleplex the day before Where 2.0 (June 12th) for an afternoon of good food, cool map demos, and a chance to chat up the Google Geo development team. Having problems with the Google Maps toolset? Frustrated by the lack of a geocoder? KML keeping you up at night? Yes, this is your big chance to personally meet the people responsible for your most vexing development problems. We're talking luminaries like Jens Rasmussen (the info window drop shadow guy), Chikai Ohazama (the Neil Armstrong of Google Moon), and John Rohlf (the J in 'KML'). There's room for 100 people so register quickly. Nat and I will see you there. "

Web 2.0 is just getting started

Web 2.0 is just getting started: "'For those who are wondering, Web 2.0 is just getting started. Yeah, I said it. Witness the frenzy at marquee venture capital firms. Given the piles of money they're deploying, we've probably got three to five more years of new deals ahead of us.'"

Remix and share

Remix and share: " At a new website here , remix music and share your vision using tracks from David Byrne and Brian Eno’s original 1981 album. For the first time ever, fans are able to legally remix and share their own personal versions of two songs from David Byrne and Brian Eno’s groundbreaking album My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. The interactive forum bush-of-ghosts.com has been developed to celebrate the reissue of the album 25 years after its original release. By agreeing to the terms of download, users will be able to download the component audio for two tracks from Bush of Ghosts – 'A Secret Life' and 'Help Me Somebody.” This component audio is licensed to the public under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. Consistent with that license, users can legally create remixes and upload them to the site. Visitors can listen to, rate, and discuss the remixes, and are also encouraged to create their own videos, which will be streamed on the site. Via Joi Ito"

Beyond Broadcast

Beyond Broadcast: "Beyond Broadcast 2006: Reinventing Public Media in a Participatory Culture has begun at the Berkman Center, and we’re hearing from some extraordinarily smart folks. Lots of blogging going on. Here are Flickr pictures tagged with BeyondBroadcast."

Space colony art

Space colony art: "David Pescovitz: According to NASA, 'A couple of space colony summer studies were conducted at NASA Ames in the 1970s. Colonies housing about 10,000 people were designed. A number of artistic renderings of the concepts were made.' Here are more than a dozen of them. Ah, the good ol' daze of Gerard O'Neill's High Frontiers and Timothy Leary's rallying call of SMI2LE (Space Migration, Intelligence Increase, Life Extension). Link (via MAKE: Blog) "

Público faz experiência de participação de leitores

Público faz experiência de participação de leitores: "O PÚBLICO acaba de lançar uma pergunta aos leitores: Concorda com a publicação desta fotografia na capa do PÚBLICO de amanhã? "
fonte: via Ponto Media

Nintendo's Wii Steals Show at Expo

Nintendo's Wii Steals Show at Expo: "The Wii is stealing the show at this week's Electronic Entertainment Expo trade show."

20% of broadband subscribers

20% of broadband subscribers: "DMasia reports 'twenty per cent of broadband subscribers across the US and Europe now use wi-fi to share their internet connection between PCs and other devices,according to a survey of 2000 internet users from market research firm Strategy Analytics' Connected Home Devices service.According to the report,7 per cent of all households now have a wireless network.The US is the leading market with 8.4 per cent penetration,followed by the Nordic region with 7.9 per cent.Wi-fi usage in the UK (6.1 per cent) and Germany (5.1 per cent) is below the average.The survey also found that consumers in the highest income groups were three times more likely to use wi-fi than those in the least affluent'. 20% of broadband subscribers in US, Europe use wi-fi – survey"

quinta-feira, maio 11, 2006

Bliki (blog+wiki)

Bliki (blog+wiki): "[via Social Synergy Weblog] [bliki | What is a bliki?] From now on, in all of the posts that I make here in this blog, as well as posts to Cooperation Commons and Smartmobs, and original writings to any WebAssistant TeleCommunity, I am going to include a link to this site,which is called a bliki in terminology invented by Ward Cunningham. So, what is a bliki, and why am I doing this? From the OddWiki-Center: A bliki is a wiki in sheep’s clothing. Bliki is an experiment in modifying wiki in order to make it more attracting to many users. It started with the day-pages, the go-to-bar, xtof’s bliki and the fete-d’internet-wiki css-dressing-up nicely for the party, building the tools-bar, moving edit today’s page to the upper right corner, renaming the wiki-forum to recent day-pages, giving the edit links a little olor, ready was the bliki. We don’t know yet if it works. A bliki is a wiki. Fullstop. For the beginning a new brand name bliki sounds cool and works, but you soon real"

Interview J.D. Lasica, Ourmedia.org

Interview J.D. Lasica, Ourmedia.org: "Micki Krimmel did a great interview on WorldChanging with J.D. Lasica (of Ourmedia) : 'MK: What about citizen media for social change? Are you seeing groups forming around social issues? JL: Yeah. One of the big changes we want to make on OurMedia in the next few months is to make it more of a community-centric site. The world doesn’t need another YouTube. I’m not picking on You Tube, but they’re the ones who are getting all the attention today. There are plenty of sites now where you can just upload your funny video, right? We want to get to a place where more people can feel like they’re doing something - they’re creating video for a social purpose. So, if your passion is all about local politics or the environment or energy or global warming, you should be able to share your thoughts in a text blog or video or podcast. I would like to see some of these video-sharing sites enable people to go beyond their enclosed walled gardens to connect with each other. And that’s an"

Podcasting Legal Guide

Podcasting Legal Guide: "From the press release.'Creative Commons and Vogele & Associates today unveiled the Podcasting Legal Guide,which was prepared by both organizations together with the invaluable assistance of the Berkman Center at Harvard Law School’s Clinical Program in Cyberlaw.The Guide was prepared as part of the Stanford Center for Internet & Society’s Non-Residential Fellowship'. Podcasting Legal Guide Released To Assist Podcasters Navigate Potentially Troubled Legal Waters "

Global Internet users

Global Internet users: "'The global distribution of Internet users has sharply shifted away from the largely American base of years past, giving the 'world' in World Wide Web new legitimacy,'this IHT article says.'Figures from March show that fewer than one-quarter of global Internet users were in the United States,comScore Networks said in a report last week. A decade ago,the rate was about two-thirds.ComScore,a market researcher based in Chicago,says it believes that its latest research is the first worldwide survey that uses consistent measurements in all major markets,including China and India.Of the 694 million unique visitors over the age of 14 who used the Internet in March,the most were in seven countries:the United States (152.1 million),China (74.7 million),Japan (52.1 million),Germany (31.8 million),Britain (30.2 million),South Korea (24.7 million) and France (23.9 million),it says.Together,China,Japan,India and South Korea represent nearly 25 percent of the total worldwide online population,168.1 million users,a figure that in the aggregate is 11 percent larger than the U.S. online surfership.That is true "

quarta-feira, maio 10, 2006

E se ninguém pagar pelo conteúdo?

E se ninguém pagar pelo conteúdo?: "UM POST muito interessante: What If No One Will Pay For Content? [dica de Journedism] "

100 million pixels of virtual reality

100 million pixels of virtual reality: "It's ironic that Iowa State University (ISU) announced a big upgrade of its C6 virtual reality (VR) room the same day as SGI filed for bankruptcy. Back in 2000, this 10x10x10 feet room was powered by SGI Onyx2 computers. The new version of this six-sided VR room will use 96 graphics processing units from Hewlett-Packard. And with its 24 Sony digital projectors, the researchers at ISU will immerse themselves into images of about 100 million pixels in the most realistic VR room in the world. Of course, this upgrade is not cheap. But with this $4 million addition, this new C6 should lead to new advances in urban planning, genetics, engineering or unmanned aerial vehicles. Read more..."

The New Media World According to Emerson

The New Media World According to Emerson: "Chris Lydon: An Emersonian transformation under way. The Sage of Concord said: Forsake the authorities and follow the gleam of light flashing across your own mind from within! And now: Blog it! It is a great Emersonian transformation and liberation that’s under way in the public conversation. Or so it seems to one recovering child of the Old School of Boston media. "

Webby Awards winners announced

Webby Awards winners announced: "The winners of the 10th Annual Webby Awards have been announced and include BBC, The Huffington Post, the Guardian Unlimited and washingtonpost.com. Full list of winners is here.... "

MySpace Launches IM Client

MySpace Launches IM Client: "MySpace just recently quietly launched it's Instant Messaging service."

Wikinews experiments with alternative distribution

Wikinews experiments with alternative distribution: "Wikinews, the news wing of the user-generated Wikimedia empire, has begun distributing its PDF version through Apple's iTunes. The PDF is derived from Wikinews' Print Edition which combines the day's top stories on a webpage that users can print at their leisure. Wikinews also offers an RSS feed which users can use to receive their daily PDF, but the popularity of iTunes could increase its reach. Sources: Podcasting News, Micropersuasion "

The Perfect News Site, 2016

The Perfect News Site, 2016: "Wall Street Journal readers offer clues to what they want in a news Web site. Some of their expectations Filtered news Mobile integration Fewer ads - simpler pay scheme Allow readers to vote which are the top stories of the day Use convergence media to expand reporting beyond the article Video reports will dominate Read it at WSJ.com "

terça-feira, maio 09, 2006

12.8 million GB Hard-drive in your pocket

12.8 million GB Hard-drive in your pocket: "Jonathan Spanier, a researcher at Drexel and others from UPenn and Harvard have found a property of water that will enable ultra-dense hard-drives that could make your Thumbdrive the ultimate back-up for every movie ever made."

14 per cent of the world's total population

14 per cent of the world's total population: "'Some 694 million people worldwide over the age of 15 used the internet in March 2006,representing 14 per cent of the world's total population within this age group,according to figures from market research firm Comscore Networks,'DMasia reports.Also,'MSN-Microsoft sites topped the list of the top 15 media properties with 538.6 million global users,followed by Google (495.8 million users), and Yahoo (480.2 million users).Yahoo sites led all global properties in page views with 137.2 billion page views during March, followed by Google (108.7 billion page views) and MSN-Microsoft sites (96.2 billion page views)'. 694m users accessed the internet in March – report"

French Hit the Streets to Protest DRM Law

French Hit the Streets to Protest DRM Law: "Demonstrators in Paris have protested against proposed laws which will make online file-sharing illegal in France. The law will ban the unauthorised downloading of copyrighted files. Around 300 people laid a wreath 'in memory of private copying and free software in France' near the city's culture and communications ministry."

Warners will use BitTorrent to distribute movies - but what about DRM?

Warners will use BitTorrent to distribute movies - but what about DRM?: "Cory Doctorow: BitTorrent and Warner Brothers have signed a deal to distribute Warner TV and movies using the BitTorrent protocol. No one will say what the deal will be for the shows, though, nor whether there's going to be any DRM. This is consistent with my experience with Warners -- they're smart enough to embrace new tech, but with enough aggro, anti-audience executives in the chain to screw it up with crippleware that no one wants. My guess is that they won't say whether there's DRM because the anti-DRM people in Warners are locked in a death-match with the pro-DRM side. After all, every Warner Bros movie is already downloadable using a BitTorrent tracker, for free, at DVD-or-better resolution. That's not to say they won't have customers for a legal download service, provided the price is right. Apple has customers for iTunes, even though all that music is available free on P2P networks. The question is, will DRM make sales or cost sales? One thing I think we can all agree on is that no one will choose to buy"

Warner Bros. to sell films via BitTorrent

Warner Bros. to sell films via BitTorrent: "Warner Brothers sees the light and embraces the best file trading system out there. Here's the link:"

MTV Networks Coins New Sales Metric For The Upfront

Anthony Crupi APRIL 03, 2006 - MTV Networks is having a coming-out party of sorts this week for its new research guru, releasing a study that it says was developed to “advance the discussion around audience engagement and advertising effectiveness.” The in-house study, which analyzed advertising effectiveness in relation to the multiplatform universe and introduced a metric called “transference,” is the first extensive project undertaken by Colleen Fahey Rush in her new role as executive vp, MTVN Research. (...)

“It’s become more of an ecosystem,” said Fahey Rush, who replaces Betsy Frank, who left MTVN’s top research post in January. “It’s no longer a question of taking linear content and deciding how to make it fit somewhere else. Now you get the idea and you decide where to develop it.” (...) While some old-guard media agency executives have balked at adopting any metric that doesn’t bear Nielsen’s imprimatur, the industry is creeping toward consensus on a number of issues. (...)

While new metrics may grant more accurate gauges of consumers’ viewing habits, no single solution can satisfy every client. “There are different metrics for each client depending on what the needs of that client are,” said Lyle Schwartz, senior vp/director of media research at Mediaedge:cia. “Until we can come up with a unified approach to dimensionalize the consumer, deals are going to remain unique.”

Check also: http://www.tvweek.com/page.cms?pageId=101

MTV Presents "Multiplatform Message" at its Upfront

--Claims 61% of its "Core" Viewers Consume Content on Multiple Screens.
MTV Networks presented the advertising community with what it called a "multiplatform message" at its fourth annual joint upfront presentation in The Theater at Madison Square Garden earlier this month. The presentation, which was led by MTV chairman and CEO, Judy McGrath, touted the company's multiplatform content portfolio, along with its global reach and its high-profile brand, as offering advertisers opportunities to reach viewers of all ages and demographics.

The company, which offers an array of broadband and mobile services, in addition to its 122 linear channels, claims that 61% of its "core" viewers consume their entertainment content on multiple screens. "MTV Networks is all about developing original content specifically for every platform--for television, wireless and broadband," McGrath told attendees. "In a lot of ways, the technology has finally caught up with us. We are the only pure play content company with a global footprint and a multi-media playbook." MTV Networks' president and COO, Michael Wolf, meanwhile, told attendees that the company had embarked upon its multiplatform strategy because it had listened to its audience: "Because we listen to them, they've led us to other businesses that they find relevant, which means MTVN now has even more touch points for advertisers," he said. "We know that our audiences are into user-generated content, social networking and gaming, so we've made strategic acquisitions like IFILM, GameTrailers, NeoPets and, just last week, XFIRE."

In order to convince advertisers of the efficacy of its multiplatform strategy, MTV Networks has commissioned a "Multiplatform Engagement and Transference Study," whose results it unveiled at the upfront presentation. The study, which was conducted by research company, OTX, attempted to quantify audience "Engagement" (defined as "a deep consumer connection to a media brand's content") and "Transference" (defined as "the degree that consumers extend the positive feelings they have for media brands to the advertisers associated with them). Among the study's findings: engagement and transference increase when media and advertisers embrace multiple platforms; regular viewers of MTV Networks are more strongly engaged with and influenced by the ads they see than are viewers of other broadcast and cable networks; and the MTV Networks "brand family" offers the strongest transference of positive brand feelings, not only on television, but also on broadband and other online platforms.

[itvt] Issue 6.72 Part 1, May 9, 2006
Check also: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060502/nytu219.html?.v=19
Check also: http://www.broadcastingcable.com/article/CA6330990.html?title=Article&spacedesc=news

BBC's Film Network Site Offering High-Resolution Downloads

For a 12-month trial period, the BBC is offering high-resolution downloads on its BBC Film Network site. (Note: the site, which launched at the London Film Festival last November, aims to promote new British filmmakers by screening short films and profiling the people who make them. It showcases three new films each week as
broadband streams, and now has a library of over 200 shorts, including dramas, documentaries, animations and more. According to the BBC, the site receives over 60,000 visitors per month and has over 5,000 registered members.) The new feature is enabled by an application which is being offered to 10,000 visitors to the site on a
first-come-first-served basis, and which allows viewing of a selection of short films in full-screen mode in near-DVD quality. Users can also subscribe, free of charge, to automatically download three new high-resolution short films every two weeks (six films are available for download through the application at any one time) and to be alerted whenever new films are ready to watch. The application is based on
technology from Kontiki and ioko that is similar to the technology that underpinned the BBC's recent Integrated Media Player (iMP) trial: it uses a legal peer-to-peer network to deliver films as high-quality video files, and uses DRM software to provide end-users with a license to view each film for 28-days, after which the film's file will automatically remove itself from their hard drives.

CBS Launches Ad-Supported Broadband TV Channel, innertube

--Moonves: "We've Essentially Bypassed Cable"
CBS Corp. has launched a free, advertising-supported broadband TV channel, called "innertube." The channel, which is located on CBS's CBS.com Web site, currently features a line-up of original series, produced expressly for the Internet, in a variety of genres, including reality TV, entertainment magazines, talk shows, comedy sketch shows, and animation. It also features shows that are designed as companions to existing CBS shows. The content has been produced by
a range of CBS programming divisions, including CBS Entertainment, King World, CBS Paramount Network Television, CBS Paramount Domestic Television and Showtime. Once an arrangement has been worked out with CBS affiliate stations, the broadcaster says, innertube will also become a distribution outlet for streaming encore episodes
from CBS's primetime line-up and for Webcasts of titles from its programming library, which contains around 2,600 titles and 100,000 hours of programming.

DAVE.TV Lets Consumers Create their own Broadband TV Channels

Broadband video distribution company, DAVE.TV (the company's name is an acronym for "Distributed Audio Video Entertainment Television"), has launched a service it is calling the "Social Broadcast Network" (SBN), which allows end-users not only to upload and broadcast their own videos, but to create their own TV channels (which
DAVE.TV is calling "MyChannels") featuring their own content, content from other DAVE.TV users, and ad-supported content from DAVE.TV's network of content partners. The service thus enables end-users to create playlists showcasing their own creations and their tastes in media, and share them with their family and friends.
According to the company, SBN is designed to capitalize on the success of user-generated content services, such as YouTube, and of social networking sites, such as MySpace.

MTV to Launch "Meet or Delete" Internationally on Multiple Platforms

MTV Networks has greenlit a show called "Meet or Delete," which it says will be its first series to premiere to a global audience and roll out on every platform on which it currently offers programming. The show, which was developed in collaboration with HP's PC business as a core component of the latter's new global marketing campaign, will feature college students trying to decide if they want to meet one another, based solely on the contents of their hard drives.

It will launch internationally on mtvU (an MTV channel targeted at college campuses), mtvU.com, MTV.com, linear channels MTV and MTV2, broadband channels mtvU Uber and MTV Overdrive, MTV Wireless, the MTV Store and the MTV high-definition TV display in Times Square.

The first episode will premiere on mtvU and mtvU Uber(located on mtvU.com) on May 10th, and subsequently air on local MTV channels in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, and Latin America. Five more episodes will follow in the fall. In addition, each of MTV's local channels outside the US will air another four locally produced episodes of "Meet or Delete" on linear TV, the Internet and wireless handsets. As a complement to the show and the HP marketing campaign that it supports, MTV and mtvU are launching 14 regionalized "Meet or Delete" online "hubs" containing episodes of the various regional versions of the show, unseen footage, games, free music downloads, updates on previous cast members, and casting calls.

The hubs will also launch on May 10th, and will be available at www.meetorgreet.com. "PC's have become the emotional hard drive of our global audience, making the premise of 'Meet or Delete' relevant everywhere in the world," Michael Wolf, president and COO of MTV Networks, said in a prepared statement. "We're thrilled to collaboratewith HP on this groundbreaking project--a milestone in our drive to deliver great content, worldwide, on every device--and it's a prime example of the innovative programs we're developing for top global

ITV Interview: Jonathan Dakss, Director of Interactive TV Product Development, NBC Universal

(...) NBC Universal Television CEO, Jeff Zucker, recently announced that there's going to be a large initiative within NBC, called TV360. It's effectively a way of saying to production companies, to studios, to advertisers, that we're no longer thinking just about what you see on your TV screen, when we think about a show. Everything is going to have a package associated with it, in which there will be a VOD component, a mobile component, and an online component. And it's going to become truly part of the DNA of how NBC programs its shows.

Visiware Launching Triple-Play Games Offering

Interactive TV games company, Visiware, plans to launch what it claims will be the first "triple-play" (i.e. interactive TV, mobile and broadband) games offering. The company, whose interactive TV games have been widely deployed around the world, has rolled out a mobile version of its Playin'TV interactive TV games channel in France that can be accessed by customers of TPS, Canalsat, Numericable and Noos/UPC. It says that it will launch a broadband version of the channel next month.

According to Visiware, players will be able to maintain their game level, score and "context" between all three platforms. "This is the first ever triple-play interactive games offering, a service that--at long last--grants you the freedom to play whenever you like, on your TV, on your mobile phone, on your PC and other Flash-compatible devices," Visiware founder and president, Laurant Weill, wrote in an email to [itvt].

segunda-feira, maio 08, 2006

Futurism, fictional and science fictional - rambling and inspiring

Futurism, fictional and science fictional - rambling and inspiring: "Cory Doctorow: Matt Webb -- gnomic Internet thinker, mind hacker, and fictioneer -- gave a beautiful talk to an Design Critical Theory MA class at London's Goldsmith College, entitled 'Sci-fi I like, Fictional Futures, Goldsmiths.' It's a 50-slide ramble through the futurism, real and science fictional, that inspires Matt. There are plenty of thought-provoking bits here, and lots of funny gracenotes -- all and all worth a look, even if it is somewhat distractingly set up as fifty pages' worth of material with only a few paras per page (maybe he'll consolidate this into some meatier chunks -- say, five or ten pages in all). It’s a control room from Project Cybersyn. In 1970–1973, the revolutionary Chilean government managed to recruit Stafford Beer, a cyberneticist who worked on the feedback loops of management in corporations. He was pretty famous at the time. They were designed by Gui Bonsiepe, a German modernist. Anyway, the Chilean government called him up, and he built what he called “an electronic nervo"

Magazines find Murdoch has great ideas, and use MySpace to realize them

Magazines find Murdoch has great ideas, and use MySpace to realize them: "In March MySpace reached a grand total of 60 million registered users. Owner Rupert Murdoch announced that video content will be added to the site, and said to Newsweek that newspaper companies had been caught out by the rapid increase in web video and still 'have their heads in the sand'. Responding to this challenge, The Sun (owned by Murdoch) announced on March 16 that its online version was exploring the possibility of teaming up with MySpace; the idea was to enable users to create a “MySun” portal on thesun.co.uk using the MySpace software. Could it be that the “head in the sand” problem that Murdoch claims is affecting the newspaper world does not concern the magazine one?"

YouTube Apple history

YouTube Apple history: "In two clicks here you can travel back in time to the stage where Steve Jobs is introducing the iPod. Eirikso.com has displayed and linked to the video of the event which occurred in 2001. The iPod video is part of a collection at YouTube.com of classic Apple media events . Historians in the future will have resources along these lines making them able to look at more and more of the past, virtually. "

TiVo's impact on the future of television advertising

TiVo's impact on the future of television advertising: "This article talks about the future of television advertising and the impact that TiVo and other DVR's have on television advertising. It also contains a statement from a law professor at Duke that says broadcasters offer a program knowing that only a fraction of the audience watches the commercials."

domingo, maio 07, 2006

Big Media Blows It (Again) on Personal Media

Big Media Blows It (Again) on Personal Media: "While we wax about the meritocracy in personal media — the idea that anyone can create great stories and get credit for it — there is a flip side where the anonymity of personal media allows for the creation of a wider array of (sometimes disturbing) content. But that anonymity also allows others to co-opt and steal that content, redefining it with sometimes disturbing ends. This recent Reuters story about terrorists modifying videogames, replacing soldiers with terrorists, is completely fake. It turns out that not only is this not a videogame “mod” (as these types of modifications are called), it’s just a short video clip a fan made for fun (reply #18 is apparently the author) which includes quotes from the movie comedy Team America (shoulda been a tip-off). It’s not too much of a stretch to see in this more ham-handed, government-sponsored “spin,” either to stir up support for the war on terror or against videogames, take your pick. The Reuters reporter is probably spending the "

50,000 angels will fund £1 million film: A Swarm of Angels

50,000 angels will fund £1 million film: A Swarm of Angels: "Cory Doctorow: A Swarm of Angels is an ambitious project from an accomplished film-maker to produce a £1,000,000 movie with small donations from 50,000 people. The resulting film will be released under a CC license, and will be developed through feedback from the 50,000 angels who fund it. Matt Hanson is the impressario here, and he's produced several movies, TV series and film festivals. He's signed Tommy Pallotta (A Scanner Darkly) as a producer, and both Warren Ellis (Transmetropolitan) and me are serving as advisors. The process is very cool. Matt is signing up angels in batches: first 100, then 1000, then 5000, then 25000, then 50000. At each stage, the angels get to participate in different parts of the film production: script development, teaser production, trailer production, pre-production planning, production, post-production, etc. The first 100 angels are already signed, and Matt's opened the membership again to 1000 more, who get to work on script doctoring and making the first teasers. At £25, it's"

Soderbergh to release upcoming digital short via BitTorrent

Soderbergh to release upcoming digital short via BitTorrent: "Xeni Jardin: Snip from Businessweek item: At a panel this week at the Tribeca Film Festival with BitTorrent's Ashwin Navin, Todd Wagner of 2929 Entertainment, and Dean Garfield of the MPAA, director Steven Soderbergh said he planned to use BitTorrent to release a short he's doing. Steven Soderbergh is doing a an High-Def film with the next issue of the DVD quarterly magazine Wolphin, due out in mid-May. Link (Thanks, Lily!). Previous BB posts about Soderbergh's digital distribution forays here. "

Podcasting saved from the UN -- for now

Podcasting saved from the UN -- for now: "Cory Doctorow: The UN's World Intellectual Property Organization has abandoned its plans to create a podcast-killing treaty -- for now. This is the Broadcast Treaty, which will create a new group of rightsholders, the people who transmit information (broadcasters, satellite casters, cablecasters, but for now, not webcasters). These people get a 'broadcast right' to the works they transmit, over and above the copyright that goes to those works' creators. That means that even if you have the creator's permission to use a work you've received, you still need to get clearance from the broadcaster, whose only contribution to the work was putting it on the air. Uses that are considered fair under copyright -- things you can do without the creator's permission, like quoting and parody -- won't be fair uses under broadcast rights. And broadcast rights will cover things copyright doesn't cover, like works in the public domain, factual material and government materials. And the broadcast right trumps the Creative Commons licenses that have already been applied to 53 million works in"

sexta-feira, maio 05, 2006

Dinheiro e media

Dinheiro e media: "A COLUNA de ontem de Dan Gillmor, na BBC: The changing mix of money and media."
Fonte: Ponto Media

We Media: Is citizen journalism an Asian phenomenon?

We Media: Is citizen journalism an Asian phenomenon?: "Citizen media may only thrive where there is no tradition of independent journalism"

First ABC, Now CBS announces that it will ALSO offer shows online!

First ABC, Now CBS announces that it will ALSO offer shows online!: "This time, CBS has joined the party by unveiling a service called 'innertube'—an ad-supported video channel available directly from their web site."

We Media: citizen media - where's the money?

We Media: citizen media - where's the money?: "Cut-price content may now be possible, but business models are still in a state of flux"

Beyond Broadcast participatory culture con in Boston, May 12/13

Beyond Broadcast participatory culture con in Boston, May 12/13: "Cory Doctorow: On May 12/13, Boston's Berkman Center will host a conference called 'Beyond Broadcast: Reinventing Public Media in a Participatory Culture.' It's an open convening for public broadcasters, social media makers, and technology developers to discuss, debate, and demonstrate the future of public media.' Now that the BBC has taken the lead in reinventing what it means to be a public service media company, the US public media folks are trying to figure it out too. They are also setting up a Second Life conference area where the proceedings will be webcast. Link (Thanks, Jake!) "

The g@p

The g@p: "Ofcom,the communications regulator in the UK 'has published the results of a survey of the technology used by 5,000 parents and children,the largest “digital audit” yet undertaken',this Times Online article reports.'The results suggest that it is parents who are struggling to monitor the websites,phones,digital television and games consoles that are central to their children’s lives'.It says,'one in five children aged between 12 and 15 has a weblog and a website.One in four uses the internet to buy and sell goods through auction sites such as eBay and QXL.One in eight children aged 8-11 and one in five aged 12-15 owns an MP3 player.Nearly half of all children see nothing wrong with the illegal downloading of music and films.A small number of children aged 8-11 (4 per cent) use Palm Pilots or personal digital assistants to manage their time,according to the survey.Even relationships are being affected.Only 41 per cent of children would end a friendship or relationship face to face.One in five would use a text message or,for the briefest of dismissals,an instant mes"

Federated Media up and running

Federated Media up and running: "Now you can buy ads here and on other blogs via John Battelle's new Federated Media service: At FM, we believe great voices attract great audiences. We're in the business of supporting those voices, by both connecting them to great marketers, as well as providing a suite of services that let authors focus on what they do best. We group these voices — nearly 50 great sites and growing — in what we call federations. The first four — technology & digital culture, business & marketing, hip parenting, and momentum & buzz — are now up and running. "

More Bloggers versus Journalists, Sigh

More Bloggers versus Journalists, Sigh: "I missed the first day of the We Media conference in London, but Mark Glaser reports (and other participants on the second day confirmed to me) that there was a lot of same old stuff about bloggers versus mainstream. What a shame, and a waste of time. The second day was, from all accounts, more productive. I particularly learned from several panels devoted to international media developments, such as the Middle East, Africa and Asia. I’m meeting this morning with several people who have an international focus, and then heading over to the BBC to join several other folks in a luncheon discussion of how the BBC can (or should) embrace citizen media, which the service has already said it plans to do. "

quinta-feira, maio 04, 2006

Maptagging the Cooperation Landscape, an exercise in collective visual intelligence.

Maptagging the Cooperation Landscape, an exercise in collective visual intelligence.: "(Via Cooperation Commons): I invite our readers to help apply your collective wisdom to a project I've been working on for a long time, first by myself, then with Institute for the Future, and now with the Cooperation Commons. Help me put together two separate components that a number of people (Andrea Saveri and Kathi Vian foremost among them) have collaborated to create. Flickr participants can attach virtual notes to specific sectors of uploaded photographs. This makes it easier to identify people, and for friends, family, communities, or networks of interested bystanders to annotate photographs. When the photograph is a large, high-resolution map, chart, or conceptual diagram, individuals can add knowledge, ask queries, initiate discussions, about specific spatial locations on the map, chart, or diagram. A company could map out the collective knowledge its employees have about the demographics and culture of its sales territory. Experts from different disciplines could tag the map of a convergent territory, and use it as a b"

Colbert's Bush-Burning Viewed 500,000 Times on YouTube

Colbert's Bush-Burning Viewed 500,000 Times on YouTube: "'Stephen Colbert is one of the Internet's hottest acts this week after video of the comedian skewering President Bush spread rapidly on the Web.'"

ABC Site Crashes as Network Streams Shows

ABC Site Crashes as Network Streams Shows: "Lost and Desperate Housewives video streams caused ABC's site to crash twice yesterday."

YouTube sees user rebellion

YouTube sees user rebellion: "Recent changes in the website are turning longtime fans against the video service."

CBS launches new internet TV channel "Innertube"

CBS launches new internet TV channel "Innertube": "Xeni Jardin: Today, CBS debuted a free, ad-supported broadband TV 'channel' called 'Innertube.' Snip from TVWeek story: Program offerings include sketch comedy, reality, talk, animation and music from CBS Entertainment, King World, CBS Paramount Network Television, CBS Paramount Domestic Television and Showtime. Innertube will also serve as a distribution outlet for episodes of programs from CBS's current prime-time lineup as well as material from CBS's library. CBS will also make available episodes of series that don't draw high enough ratings to remain on broadcast TV. Link to story. Too bad they don't own innertube.com. Whups. CBS will make the 'channel' available from this link on the CBS.com domain, and they've started by offering three shows there. The interface is built in Flash, which everyone on the internet just can't get enough of. (Thanks, D.A.!) "

quarta-feira, maio 03, 2006

Estudo sobre confiança nos media

Estudo sobre confiança nos media: "NOS PAÍSES mais desenvolvidos as pessoas confiam mais no governo do que nos media, enquanto nos países menos desenvolvidos acontece o oposto, revela um estudo encomendado pela BBC, pela Reuters e pelo The Media Center. Foram entrevistadas 10.230 pessoas em 10 países e o estudo completo em .pdf pode ser lido aqui."

BEES - New Findings in Intelligence and Social Skills

BEES - New Findings in Intelligence and Social Skills: "If humans were to take a page from honeybee home hunting, we too could learn to minimize bad decisions, he said.'How the scout bees select candidate sites, deliberate among choices and reach a verdict is a process complicated enough to rival the dealings of any corporate committee"

Marketers Emulate MySpace to Entice Teens

Marketers Emulate MySpace to Entice Teens: "The huge growth of MySpace.com has spurred top marketers to try to create their own versions of the teen-oriented social network site that has more than 66 million registered users."


Thinglink: "I had the pleasure of meeting the creators of Thinglink last week, Ulla-Maaria Mutanen and Jyri Engeström. You may recognize Ulla as the writer of the Craft Manifesto. Thinglink is basically a product code, but serves as the conduit of meaning between things and people rather than things and corporations. Apparently the idea arose after having a few drinks with Jimbo Wales, which is the clencher for a good social web story. Here is a post about the concept behind Thinglink: A thinglink is a free unique identifier that anybody can use for making the finding and recommendation of particular things easier in the Internet. A thinglink identifier is based on the idea that many of the things we use in our daily life are quite particular. Perhaps we know their origin (who has made them, when and how) and something about their history or previous use (like with furniture and cars). Some things have more meaning to us than others. Here is a post about Thinglink at Julian Bleeker's blogHere is a post at Pasta&Vinegar"

Lego to teach children open source 101

Lego to teach children open source 101: "Lego will release the source code for its forthcoming Mindstorms NXT toys, giving children a way to grasp the concept op open source in a way that they can relate to: by playing."

"Negative and positive effects on young people

"Negative and positive effects on young people: "'Between 75 and 90 percent of teenagers in the United States use the Internet to email, instant message (IM),visit chat rooms and explore other sites on the World Wide Web,'this eurekalert.org article says.'According to the latest research presented in a special issue of Developmental Psychology,published by the American Psychological Association (APA),spending a lot of time on the Web can have both negative and positive effects on young people, i.e.,the sharing of self-injury practices by some and the improvement of academic performance and health awareness by others.'A major goal for this cumulation of research is to show the good and bad sides of the Internet as it relates to children,'said coeditors of the special issue Patricia Greenfield, PhD,of the Children's Digital Media Center,University of California at Los Angeles and Zheng Yan, PhD, of the State University of New York at Albany.In a series of six articles, leading researchers examine normal behavior in chat rooms and the use of message boards by adolescents who self-injure, uses of the Inte"