sexta-feira, agosto 29, 2003

Guardian Unlimited | Online | Auntie's digital revelation

Guardian Unlimited | Online | Auntie's digital revelation: "the BBC is planning to digitise and offer for download, for free, as much of its back catalogue of programmes that it can legally do, from the earliest radio reels to nature documentaries to educational programmes. Anyone will be allowed to re-use, re-edit and mix this material with their own, provided it's for non-commercial use.
The project is called the BBC Creative Archive. It draws some of its inspiration from Lawrence Lessig's Creative Commons project, a US legal project that provides artists with boilerplate contracts that allow their works to be shared more easily on the net, rather than tied up in copyright restrictions that make copying their work illegal.
To fulfill Dyke's vision - where, as he describes, children can download BBC material to include in their own presentations for free - the BBC's work will have to be largely free from copyright controls.
And if the BBC takes this route, it will have the biggest, most responsive file-distribution on the planet to help shift this treasure trove of material: the file-sharing networks. "

Guardian Unlimited | Online | Auntie's digital revelation

Guardian Unlimited | Online | Auntie's digital revelation: "Auntie's digital revelation

The BBC's director-general announced plans this week to embrace Napster-style file sharing to make its archives free for licence payers."

Wired News: Adult Women Like to Play Games

Wired News: Adult Women Like to Play Games: "Adult Women Like to Play Games

Reuters Page 1 of 1

10:37 AM Aug. 27, 2003 PT
Challenging the stereotype of video gaming as the domain of teenage boys, an industry group reported on Tuesday that more adult women than young boys are playing games. Not only that, but the average age of players has risen to 29."

quinta-feira, agosto 28, 2003

Welcome to!

Welcome to!: "Welcome to GameChannel, the first of its kind interactive mobile-TV gaming show in Europe. Prepare to test the limits of your texting skills with five fun and addictive games that are sure to blow your mind away! Be part of the next generation of mobile gaming! The GameChannel: Watch Text and Play!

To start playing, register your very own unique user name! Click HERE for details. "

BBC NEWS | Technology | Text messages play games with TV

BBC NEWS | Technology | Text messages play games with TV: "These programmes are seen by some as the future of interactive television, with viewers taking a far more active role in what happens before their eyes. "

BBC NEWS | Technology | Text messages play games with TV

BBC NEWS | Technology | Text messages play games with TV: "Voting via SMS is already immensely popular in programmes such as Pop Idol, Fame Academy and Big Brother.
But soon you could be shooting, kicking or punching other people on screen over a mobile handset.
'We want to react to what happens on TV and SMS acts as a form of communication,' said new media consultant Ashley Smith.
There already are shows in Finland, the Philippines and Poland where people can become part of the action on screen. "

quarta-feira, agosto 27, 2003

Página Pessoal de Nuno Ribeiro: PhD Project

Página Pessoal de Nuno Ribeiro: PhD Project: "Research in the area of Personal Information Management suggests a range of solutions that take advantage of human cognitive capabilities. The idea is to provide memory aids designed to exploit the fact that this kind of information belongs to the user’s information repository in which each data item is subconsciously tagged with a recognisable context. The overall goal of this research project is to take this a step further and identify and automate the precise cues that enable people to re-discover the information for which they are searching including that material lost from conscious memory."

terça-feira, agosto 26, 2003

Media, Mind, and Society: Introduction

Media, Mind, and Society: Introduction: "It is really not that surprising that artists rival with the military to be at the cutting edge of technological investigation. Both parties have a vested interest in understanding and exploiting the impact of the technology on the human sensorium. Both are concerned with issues of agression, as the artist is well aware of the destructive potential of a new technology when it invades the previous social order. The paradox, of course, is that the military has more money for R&D than any other institution, and the art world has the least. The military works in secrecy, while art tries its best to get out of obscurity. Having no access to military secrets, I have opted to go to the art of our time to find out about where we are going, trusting McLuhan's perceptive recommandation:
If men were able to be convinced that art is precise advance knowledge of how to cope with the psychic and social consequences of the next technology, would they all become artists ? Or would they begin a careful translation of new artforms into social navigation charts ? I am curious to know what would happen if art were suddenly seen for what it is, namely, exact information of how to rearrange one's psyche in order to anticipate the next blow from our own extended faculties "

segunda-feira, agosto 25, 2003

Node Runner ))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Node Runner ))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ): "The first Noderunner game was played in New York City the summer of
2002 in conjunction with Eyebeam and NYCwireless, as seen on Tech TV. Yury Gitman and Carlos Gomez have since been awarded artist residencies at Eyebeam to continue the development of Noderunner. While at Eyebeam the artists' focus is two fold. They will redesign the Noderunner site to act as an international scoreboard and resource site to promote the playing of Noderunner in any city. Additionally they will organize seasonal (winter, fall, summer) New York City Noderunner games as well as help interested parties in other cities, like San Diego and Dublin, play."

Node Runner ))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Node Runner ))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ): "Node Runner is a two teams race to connect to and photograph the most wireless nodes between Bryant Park to Bowling Green on New York City's wireless network.
To begin each team gets a wireless laptop with software that scans for nodes, a digital camera, and cab fare. Each is briefed on how to use the gear. Both teams take photos at Eyebeam and leave for Bryant Park.
The clock startes once both teams to leave Eyebeam. The teams have two and a half hours to connect to and photograph as many nodes as possible, collect a log (with the node scanning software) of nodes along their way, and arrive to the Bowling Green.
1 point is given for every 5 nodes the team's scanning software logs.
Teams will not be able to connect to every node they scan, but their node scanning software will collect a log of all the nodes they pass. 5 points are given for each set of photos that arrives to Eyebeam.
The Teams should provide 2 photos from each node they can connect to. The first photo should be of team members at the node. The second photo should be of a street sign or some other distinguishing landmark at the node."

[artinfo] Ars Electronica 2003 - 3rd Announcement: Conferences (fwd)

[artinfo] Ars Electronica 2003 - 3rd Announcement: Conferences (fwd): "Collective Creativity

Language-the code of human understanding-enabled humanity to take a quantum=
leap of collective intelligence. How do the new possibilities of communica=
tion influence the exchange of ideas within and among societies? How does s=
oftware determine our collective creativity? Do computer programs influence=
the way we see the world and how we think? Can there be a language of coll=
ective intelligence? And-getting down to details-what effects will the new =
Open Source and Open Standards approaches have on the further development a=
nd progress of collective creativity?

Moderation: Derrick de Kerckhove

Statements: Pierre L=E9vy, Florian Cramer, John Warnock, Marc Canter, James

[artinfo] Ars Electronica 2003 - 3rd Announcement: Conferences (fwd)

[artinfo] Ars Electronica 2003 - 3rd Announcement: Conferences (fwd): "Social activity is characterized by codes-individuals make themselves under=
stood via language and communicate with human faces as their 'interfaces.' =
If the new codes that have been designed and developed for interaction with=
technical interfaces change our social and collective actions or even cont=
ribute to the development of new types of social intercourse, then how will=
this process be played out? Which structures are influencing this social t=
ransformation? And to what extent does the design of electronic devices pla=
y a role in this connection-are users of the new technology becoming passiv=
e consumers or mature, responsible critics of their equipment? The most far=
-reaching question undoubtedly arises in connection with the current overal=
l social situation-are network linkages and mobility enhancing collective a=
ction or being applied to construct an instrument of state control and soci=
al engineering?

Moderation: Derrick de Kerckhove

Statements: Howard Rheingold, Leo Findeisen, Fiona Raby, Hans Peter Schwarz" - flash mobs are fun, but beware of flashmuggers - flash mobs are fun, but beware of flashmuggers: "Wherever there’s groups of young, naïve, wealthy, bored, fashionistas to be found, scum of a different sort are bound to be close behind. FLASHMUGGERS!!!

We spoke to a flashmugger (Dave) and he told us “It’s simple, just turn up at the arranged meeting point, and hand out a load of fake instructions, these suckers are so hyped-up on their own coolness, that they’d believe anything. The key is to make the instructions totally gay”."

quinta-feira, agosto 21, 2003

TV - News, Views & Predictions on TV Technology

TV - News, Views & Predictions on TV Technology: "Interactive TV
Long-hyped as the next big thing, the two-way technology continues to struggle. However, there are signs that the industry may now be on the right track. ITV companies are producing new compelling features that could return dividends in the next 12-18 months.

Biggest Winner: Charter
The Paul Allen-run cable service has invested heavily in Interactive TV, buying control of ITV software firm Digeo, and the home networking device, Moxi. Charter has also deployed interactive services in approximately 750,000 homes and has plans for more in the coming months. If Interactive TV eventually succeeds, Allen's investment will pay off handsomely.

Biggest Loser: Microsoft
The software titan has spent billions on ITV investments, research and infrastructure. However, to date, the company has little to show for it. Due to technical snafus and strategic mistakes, Microsoft's ITV software is still at the starting game. But don't give up on this company. Microsoft, which recently announced a series of cable TV trials for its new and improved software, could still wind up as the biggest winner of them all."

Kids Design the Future

Kids Design the Future: "At the Human Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland we believe that children should have a voice in making new technology for kids. Children's ideas need to be heard throughout the entire technology design process. Therefore, in 1998 we began a unique technology design team. Seven children, ages seven to eleven, join with researchers from computer science, education, art, robotics, and other disciplines, twice a week. Together we have become an intergenerational, interdisciplinary design team. The team pursues projects, writes papers and creates new technologies. "

Questionnaire For User Interaction Satisfaction

Questionnaire For User Interaction Satisfaction: "The Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS) is a tool developed by a multi-disciplinary team of researchers in the Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) at the University of Maryland at College Park. The QUIS was designed to assess users' subjective satisfaction with specific aspects of the human-computer interface. The QUIS team successfully addressed the reliability and validity problems found in other satisfaction measures, creating a measure that is highly reliable across many types of interfaces."

Design Process at HCIL

Design Process at HCIL: "How we design new technologies has a profound effect on what these new technologies ultimately can be. Each time we make decisions about the design process, the final product or research can dramatically change. The design process of technology is as much a part of our research at the HCIL as the actual technologies we make. Our research here is concerned with how we can bring users into the design process. We see the role of users as everything from active partners, to inspectors or testers, to research participants that are observed and/or interviewed. We are exploring these roles with users as a way to better understand and shape the technology design process for the future. "

interLiving - Designing Intergenerational Interfaces for Living Together

interLiving - Designing Intergenerational Interfaces for Living Together: "The interLiving project aims to study and develop, together with families, technologies that faciliate generations of family members living together with the objectives:
To understand the needs of diverse families.
To develop innovative artefacts that support the needs of co-located and distributed families.
To understand the impact such technologies can have on families."

Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies

Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies: "Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies
by Ben Shneiderman, December 26, 1998, updated May 21, 2003
Our treemap products:
Treemap 4.0: General treemap tool (Free demo version, plus licensing information for full package)
PhotoMesa: Zoomable image library browser (Free demo version, plus licensing information for full package)
Treemap Algorithms and Algorithm Animations (Open source Java code) "

Wired 11.09: PowerPoint Is Evil

Wired 11.09: PowerPoint Is Evil: "PowerPoint Is Evil

Power Corrupts.
PowerPoint Corrupts Absolutely.
By Edward Tufte

Imagine a widely used and expensive prescription drug that promised to make us beautiful but didn't. Instead the drug had frequent, serious side effects: It induced stupidity, turned everyone into bores, wasted time, and degraded the quality and credibility of communication. These side effects would rightly lead to a worldwide product recall."

quarta-feira, agosto 20, 2003

Daily Hellsinki

Daily Hellsinki: "Media Diary is an experimental moblogging project started by Raphael Grignani in January 2003. The main purpose is to investigate and experiment various facets of mobile-blogging (moblogging) from an almost daily blog (Daily Hellsinki) to a real-time travel journal (Spring in Asia) to whatever will come to my mind! "

Wired 11.09: Learning to Love PowerPoint

Wired 11.09: Learning to Love PowerPoint: "Learning to Love PowerPoint

We interrupt this magazine for a PowerPoint presentation:
• For artist and musician David Byrne, the medium is the message.
• Infographic guru Edward Tufte wants to kill the messenger.
A while ago, I decided to base the book-tour readings from my pseudoreligious tract The New Sins on sales presentations. I was going for a fair dose of irony and satire, and what could be better than using PowerPoint and a projector, the same tools that every sales and marketing person relies on? "

Wired News: Phoning in Photos for Posterity

Wired News: Phoning in Photos for Posterity: "This is a sign of things to come more so than a watershed event,' said Howard Rheingold, author of Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution. 'The (moblog) coverage didn't give me much better than what I could get on television.'
Rheingold, however, predicts that once camera phones are comparable in resolution to stand-alone digital cameras and can stream video, moblogs will start to get interesting.
'Of course, what you do get the day after a major event in blogs that you are not going to get on the networks are very extensive first-person descriptions of what their day was like,' he said. 'You would have thousands of eyewitness accounts"

terça-feira, agosto 19, 2003

BBC NEWS | Health | Meditating on a cinema first

BBC NEWS | Health | Meditating on a cinema first: "The idea of chilling out at the pictures is taking on a new meaning - with plans for group meditations in the hi-tech comfort of cinemas.

Customers choose the path of their meditative journey
A British company is behind a venture offering customers a temporary escape from life's stresses amid the darkness of the multiplex.
Describing the concept as 'meditainment', it places the time-tested relaxation principles of meditation in an environment designed to enhance the experience.
For £7, customers go on two different meditative 'journeys' into visualised places of peace and calm. The session lasts a total of about 45 minutes. " "The underlying message of Predictions: Media is the importance of grounding speculation about the future in existing consumer behaviour and in the thoughtful interpretation of the consumer needs and benefits underlying this behaviour. We need to include real-world consumers – what they do and what they want, rather than what technologists assume they want – in the way we think about future media."

Smart Mobs - The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold

Smart Mobs - The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold: "Mizuki Ito, one of the primary sources for Smart Mobs, has published her latest findings about Japanese youth are changing their sense of place and presence through their use of mobile telephones.
Mobile phones are transforming the experience of place and co-presence for a wireless generation of Japanese youth. In the past, physical co-presence generally defined who one was socially and interactionally accountable to at any given time, interrupted occasionally by a telephone call or a beeping pager. Now that mobile phones have become a norm for youths in Japan as elsewhere, distant others are always socially co-present, and place – where you locate yourself – has become a hybrid relation between physical and wirelessly co-present context. My research group at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus has been conducting ethnographic research on mobile phone use, detailing how, when and where phones get used. We see mobile phones as 'somewhere, someplace' technologies that are intimately tied to the experience of particular settings and places."

Mindjack - Books - Smart Mobs reviewed by Cory Doctorow

Mindjack - Books - Smart Mobs reviewed by Cory Doctorow: "Smart Mobs live in an evolutionary hothouse that has more in common with the randomwalking properties of colony animals than with the military discipline of yestercenturies revolutions, cartels and governments.
Japanese schoolgirls and Finnish teenagers and Filipino citizenry and bloggers and warchalking gangs are all views into a packet-switched future. As usual, Howard has nailed the ethic, the feeling and the lightspeed futuristic frisson that he hammered in with Virtual Community and his other books, revealing the way that the world has already changed before any of us have even noticed."

Social Science Hub - Home

Social Science Hub - Home: "Welcome to the Social Science Hub. Resources for Anthropology, Sociology and Archaeology and other associated disciplines. Links to Websites, newsgroups, news, research tools, data archives, and publications"

Mindjack - Events - DECONference

Mindjack - Events - DECONference: "September 17, 2002 | The invitation for DECONference: DECONstructing DECONtamination (Toronto 29.08.2002) read: 'Decontamination prior to entry. Complimentary attire will be provided. Bring no valuables.' At 7PM around 60 conference attendees congregated outside a building in downtown Toronto and began submitting themselves to what would become a long line of bureaucratic procedures. The first one was familiar and benign: a line up. It took more than an hour for all of us to be registered, and sign a two page document waiving all our rights while attending the event."

Procedures for Analyses of Online Communities

Procedures for Analyses of Online Communities: "Emerging as a powerful catalyst of the increase in global communication forums are online communities. Ranging from simple text-based newsgroups to intricate immersive virtual reality multi-user environments, these communities, whether graphic or not, are strung together by conversational text, or chat. Chat entails any number of individuals communicating with each other using text-based communication, often appearing as a chat window in graphic environments."

Procedures for Analyses of Online Communities

Procedures for Analyses of Online Communities: "This article details a set of procedures for the analysis and interpretation of the content and structure of online networks and communities. These novel methods allow for the analysis of online chat, including parsing the data into separate and interrelated files to determine individual, group and organizational patterns. "

k.i.s.s. of the panopticon

k.i.s.s. of the panopticon: " k.i.s.s. (Keep It Simple Stupid)
of the panopticon
is a cultural theory
and media literacy Web
site run by Dougie Bicket.

The idea of k.i.s.s. of the panopticon is to give people a quick, user-friendly, one-stop shopping guide to all these things listed above the INTRODUCTION, including cultural/critical theory and its relationship with communications and new media, including the Internet. It might also help to get people thinking and maybe, just mebbe, provide a fresh perspective on how this stuff really affects our lives."

vog blog::vlog 2.0

vog blog::vlog 2.0: "Documentating and discussing the problem making that is video blogging (vogging) with the tiresome quotidian of the desktop digital."

quinta-feira, agosto 14, 2003

Revista Meios

Revista Meios: "Imagine que os portugueses são 100. Destes, saiba que 99,3% têm televisão, 99% equipada com telecomando e 70,3% são donos de dois aparelhos receptores. Continuando com a mesma imagem, os dados mostram que 39% deles têm acesso à Internet, dos quais, 25,9% costumam utilizá-la. O local preferido para aceder à rede é a residência (16,9%) e o local de trabalho (9,8%). Quanto à televisão, saiba que os portugueses, numa rara tendência de se equipararem aos alemães, gastam, em média, 192 minutos por dia a verem televisão"

Smart Mobs - The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold

Smart Mobs - The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold: "Smart Mobs is about how mobile devices and other technologies are modifying and influencing our daily world. Shouting 'Boooh' in a Toys 'R' Us store in New York is not changing the world. It's just helping the Reuters of this world selling copies of their articles."

Smart Mobs - The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold

Smart Mobs - The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold: "I'm sick and tired hearing and reading about 'flash mobs.' This was funny a little while ago when they started. And I'm sure it still is fun for participants all over the world.

But there is a distinction between 'flash mobs' and 'smart mobs.' The first want to have fun, or to show they're Internet savyy, or whatever. On the other hand, the smartmobbers have an agenda, whether it's sociological, technological or political."

quarta-feira, agosto 13, 2003

Uses and Gratifications

Uses and Gratifications: "U & G research has been concerned with why people use media. Whilst this approach sprang from 'mainstream' research in social science, an interpretive tradition has arisen primarily from the more arts-oriented 'cultural (and 'critical') studies'. The approach sometimes referred to as reception theory (or reception analysis) focuses on what people see in the media, on the meanings which people produce when they interpret media 'texts' (e.g. Hobson 1982, Ang 1985, Seiter, Borchers, Kreutzner & Warth 1989). This perspective tends to be associated with the use of interviews rather than questionnaires. Such interviews are often with small groups (e.g. with friends who watch the same TV programmes). The emphasis is on specific content (e.g. a particular soap opera) and on specific social contexts (e.g. a particular group of working-class women viewers). "

Uses and Gratifications

Uses and Gratifications: "An empirical study in the U & G tradition might typically involve audience members completing a questionnaire about why they watch a TV programme. Denis McQuail offers (McQuail 1987: 73) the following typology of common reasons for media use: "

Uses and Gratifications

Uses and Gratifications: "Uses and Gratifications
One influential tradition in media research is referred to as 'uses and gratifications' (occasionally 'needs and gratifications'). This approach focuses on why people use particular media rather than on content. In contrast to the concern of the 'media effects' tradition with 'what media do to people' (which assumes a homogeneous mass audience and a 'hypodermic' view of media), U & G can be seen as part of a broader trend amongst media researchers which is more concerned with 'what people do with media', allowing for a variety of responses and interpretations. However, some commentators have argued that gratifications could also be seen as effects: e.g. thrillers are likely to generate very similar responses amongst most viewers. And who could say that they never watch more TV than they had intended to? Watching TV helps to shape audience needs and expectations. "

terça-feira, agosto 12, 2003

The Word Spy - adultescent

The Word Spy - adultescent: "adultescent

noun. A middle-aged person who continues to participate in and enjoy youth culture."

The Word Spy - middle youth

The Word Spy - middle youth: "middle youth

noun. The age, now generally considered to be from the late 20s to the early 40s, when a person is too old to be a youth and too young to be middle-aged; the state of mind of people in this age group who resist the usual trappings of encroaching middle age."

The Word Spy - thresholder

The Word Spy - thresholder: "thresholder

(THRESH.hohl.dur) n. A young person on the threshold of adulthood, especially one who is anxious or depressed about leaving home or taking on adult responsibilities."

The Word Spy - quarterlife crisis

The Word Spy - quarterlife crisis: "In his 1991 book Generation X, Douglas Coupland coined a synonym: the mid-twenties breakdown, which he defined as

A period of mental collapse occurring in one's twenties, often caused by an inability to function outside of school or structured environments, coupled with a realisation of one's essential aloneness in the world. Often marks induction into the ritual of pharmaceutical usage. "

CraoWiki - Xeni Jardin

CraoWiki - Xeni Jardin: "AFI ETV Workshop, Hollywood
Carlos Picoto from Microsoft TV spoke and demonstrated a wild and wacky enhanced TV product from Portugal's TV Cabo/Panavideo network. The hosts and crew were clearly having way too much fun. They order roses and pizzas and stuff for each other via interactive TV while they're hosting the ITV show, and the stuff is delivered on set. Much craziness. Why can't American TV be this fun? Link to workshop website. (Sanyo 5300 / Sprint)"

Grupo articula primeiro 'tumulto-relâmpago' no Brasil

BBC Brasil: "Grupo articula primeiro 'tumulto-relâmpago' no Brasil

Internautas lotam loja de cartões durante flashmob em Boston
A onda do 'tumulto-relâmpago', que já tomou conta dos Estados Unidos e de várias capitais das Europa, está chegando ao Brasil." " covers the new world of picture and video phones is produced by Emily Turrettini and Cyril Fiévet" " covers the latest news on texting or short messaging (SMS) and multimedia messaging (MMS)

It is produced by Emily Turrettini with technical help from Cyril Fiévet"

SAPO - Portugal Online!

SAPO - Portugal Online!: "'Se esperares o suficiente, alguém irá escrever/criar/conceber a ideia que tiveste': foi esta a fórmula que serviu de ponto de partida a Matt Jones para desenvolver o site LazyWeb, no final do ano passado.

O cibernauta pensa numa funcionalidade original que gostaria de ver introduzida na Web e que possa ser implementada por outros com maiores conhecimentos de programação, efectua um pedido LazyWeb ao escrevê-lo no seu bloge envia-o de volta através de um ping Trackback para oURL ou preenchendo um formuláriodisponível na página do site.

Desde o seu lançamento, a LazyWeb já recebeu mais de 100 ideias. Os responsáveis reconhecem que este projecto só funciona quando as pessoas dão e partilham as suas ideias entre si, de forma a tornar a Web num local melhor, mesmo que virtual. Esta iniciativa é assim o exemplo máximo de um fenómeno contemporâneo da cibercultura: a emergência de grupos não-hierárquicos e auto-organizados. "

domingo, agosto 10, 2003

ImaHima, Inc.

ImaHima, Inc.: "Imahima is a concept that envelops public, private physical and virtual space, a 'back to basics' idea that in turn fundamentally influences the way we interact in our public/private spaces. The relevance is for services that will create new scenarios to open a platform for further added value, rather than just adding to the 'noise' of images and information that is associated with new communications technology. "

ImaHima, Inc.

ImaHima, Inc.: "Launched in Japan to work with i-mode, WAP Java-phone and SMS, 'Imahima' means 'I am free now!' or 'Are you free now?' It is a mobile, location-integrated, community and instant messaging service that allows its users to share their current personal status (location, activity, mood) publicly or privately with their friends and send pictures and instant messages to them, to meet face to face -or not. There are over 500,000 users in Japan, but it is hitting the European market with its multi-lingual functions; it is available over SMS in Switzerland and is due to expand to Germany and other European countries."

ImaHima, Inc.

ImaHima, Inc.: " Neither lobby nor art center, conference room nor cafe, neither public nor private, Aula grew from word of mouth recommendation and despite the 'hardly surprising challenge of funding and hideously expensive space,' and is a glimpse into Mitchell's e-topian future."

ImaHima, Inc.

ImaHima, Inc.: "Public space is becoming increasingly consumer based, where you have to 'pay to stay,' and the spaces in between are very often grey and hostile, he says. Genuinely public spaces like museums or religious centers are struggling for survival."

ImaHima, Inc.

ImaHima, Inc.: "Community design addresses how new communications technology and services are used in the contemporary urban setting. Tuomas Toivonen of the Aula Project in Helsinki says: 'Community design sounds like a scary idea, but it is about creating new spaces from the bottom up that allows communities to flourish. Today's city does not really support the idea of community.'"

Matt Jones: RuleSpace

Matt Jones: RuleSpace: "RuleSpaces: a look at the scales of experience systems - Cosmology, Urbanism, Architecture, Engineering and Physics
'Content commissioners and creators need an understanding of hierarchy of skills needed in the construction of digital experiences, particularly networked ones. Parallels with real-world construction in 'digital construction' abound."

future library forum / Articles / Need for new community?

future library forum / Articles / Need for new community?: "If there is a need for new community, what tools do we need to pick up to generate new shared conditions?"

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things

Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things: "System for tracking someone's location by mobile phone launches in UK
AP story on what is being described as the first major commercial service for tracking user locations via their cellphones. It won't be the last.
The mapAmobile service, unveiled last month in Britain, claims accuracy to within 50 yards. It charges an annual fee of ?30, or $48, plus 30 pence per request. Even more precise services are likely in the United States within the next year as more phone models come with global positioning system, or GPS, chips already installed."

Smart Mobs - The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold

Smart Mobs - The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold: "ActiveMatch combines location information with a matchmaking database to create a new kind of service for mobile phone users. The user defines a personal profile (nickname, phone number, gender, age, hobbies etc), and includes a picture of him/herself. The user then defines a search profile (or more than one) for the person he is looking for. Finally, the user sets the 'Search distance', which is the maximum distance (in GSM cells) that the server will scan for potential matches. One cannot set it higher than 5, because searching over long distances is too processor intensive. It would also run counter to the proximity principle of the application. If set to 0, the search will occur only in the current cell."

Flash Mob

Flash Mob: "We're trying to find people interested in developing a web application to act as a focal point for flash mob activity. Our interest is in creating a community-based system that allows maximum flexibility but at the same time pushes people to start thinking of using the idea of flash mobs in interesting ways. Whether this means adapting new algorithms to stop the squeely problem or pushing flash mob methodology as a method of protest, our interest is in developing a unique interface that captures the 'low-tech', grassroots methods that have so far served the purposes of organizing flash mobs. "

BBC NEWS | Technology | All over for blogs?

BBC NEWS | Technology | All over for blogs?: "Sitting at a computer does not seem to be the way to understanding, enlightenment or happiness when the long hot day is beckoning you outside, and reading other people's postings can seem like a waste of good thinking time.
Perhaps everyone else feels the same, so the things we are writing about, the things we are posting, are simply less well thought through, and our filters for what is worth saying are not working properly.
It may even be a sign of the internet's maturity and significance in our lives that it too now has a 'silly season' like the newspapers and TV."

BBC NEWS | Technology | All over for blogs?

BBC NEWS | Technology | All over for blogs?: "All over for blogs?

Blogs have been seen by some as a new wave of internet development but are they losing their appeal, wonders technology analyst Bill Thompson. "

sábado, agosto 09, 2003

Wired News: 101 Uses for Apple IChat

Wired News: 101 Uses for Apple IChat: "Marc Zeedar has found a novel use for Apple Computer's new iChat video-conferencing software -- broadcasting pay-per-view soccer games to his brother across town. "

BBC NEWS | Technology | Technology meets the mob

BBC NEWS | Technology | Technology meets the mob: "Technology meets the mob

By Mark Ward
BBC News Online technology correspondent

The power of the crowd is starting to be tapped
The net is being used to summon up spontaneous crowds that are being put to artistic, charitable and social ends.
The craze began in New York in June.
Many of the city's net literati were invited by e-mail to take part in an art event that called itself the Mob Project.
The e-mail asked people to synchronise their watches and wait at 7pm in one of four of Manhattan's bars. "

BBC NEWS | In Depth | dot life | Think tanks for gamers

BBC NEWS | In Depth | dot life | Think tanks for gamers: "Think tanks for gamers

No need to puzzle out problems alone

By Mark Ward
BBC News Online technology correspondent

Online communities that band together to solve puzzles could provide clues to the next big step in social development. "

BBC NEWS | Technology | Smart mob storms London

BBC NEWS | Technology | Smart mob storms London: "Smart mob storms London

In London, they gathered at a sofa store
The flash mob phenomenon has hit London.
Since June spontaneous crowds summoned up via the internet have been assembling in cities around the world and taking part in a form of performance art.
The idea began in New York and last night London's flash mobsters got their first chance to meet.
About 200 people brought confusion and a small slice of net culture to a corner of the capital. "

sexta-feira, agosto 08, 2003

The Myth of Generation N

The Myth of Generation N: "As a society, we need to come to terms with the fact that a substantial number of people, young and old alike, will never go online. We need to figure out how we will avoid making life unbearable for them."

The Myth of Generation N

The Myth of Generation N: "The Myth of Generation N
Contrary to popular belief, not all kids are naturally adept with technology—and that spells trouble in an increasingly wired society.

By Simson Garfinkel
The Net Effect
August 8, 2003

For decades, social scientists and technologists have alternatively predicted the emergence of “computer kids” or a “net generation”—a cohort of children, teenagers, and young adults who have been immersed in digital technology and the digital way of thinking since their conception. "

Japan Media Review -- A Decade in the Development of Mobile Communications in Japan

Japan Media Review -- A Decade in the Development of Mobile Communications in Japan: "The social significance of this could be quite large. All our memories are at risk of becoming materialized in recorded form. We are going to have to insist on more and more responsibility on the part of those taking the photograph, and ongoing questioning of the ways in which the reality of our lives is and is not being captured by these cameras."

Japan Media Review -- A Decade in the Development of Mobile Communications in Japan

Japan Media Review -- A Decade in the Development of Mobile Communications in Japan: "The birth of NTT Docomo and new common carriers
Mobile communication also has a different history than fixed-line communication in relation to new common carriers. In fixed-line communication, new companies entered the market by setting up long-distance relays. Historically, charges were set high for long-distance calls, and charges for local calls were kept low by internal subsidization. This suggests that customers were being charged much more than the actual cost for long-distance calls."

v-2 Organisation | media + culture | Whatever happened to serendipity?

v-2 Organisation | media + culture | Whatever happened to serendipity?: "Now imagine for a moment that the city is overlayered with a palimpsest of user-created tags, and everyone in the city over the age of five has a cheap, easy-to-use device that affords publishing, browsing, searching and filtering from among same."

v-2 Organisation | media + culture | Whatever happened to serendipity?

v-2 Organisation | media + culture | Whatever happened to serendipity?: "here's a brief list of some evolutionary elaborations that Web sites have sprouted since the bare-list-of-links days.
- Comments: Direct audience response, anonymous or attributed.
- Trackback: 'Here's what other people are saying about this at site X.'
- GPS tagging and other location-based metadata: 'This entry was published from 38 degrees 17 minutes 11 seconds North by 130 degrees 42 minutes 37 seconds East.'
- Faceted classification: 'View records by Place, Date, Language, Rating, Category, Author...'
- Amazon-style collaborative filtering: 'Others who rated Café Eight highly also liked the following restaurants/books/music:'
- Slashdot-style reputation management: 'This entry has an average rating of +4 Useful, and has been rated by 271 users.'"

OJR article: Conference Panelists See Bright Future for Mobile Publishing

OJR article: Conference Panelists See Bright Future for Mobile Publishing: "Conference Panelists See Bright Future for Mobile Publishing

Web-enabled cell phones will allow ordinary citizens to shoot and send news photos and video to the local newspaper or TV station -- or publish them to their own personal Web sites
Bruce Rutledge
Posted: 2003-07-23"

notes from 1imc - mikepop, hiptop Nation

notes from 1imc - mikepop, hiptop Nation: "There are many, many more mobile phone users in the world than there are computer users. And they are often people who might never use a computer for recreational purposes. And that's what this conference was about - talking about what happens when such a populous and varied groups starts adopting technology that lets them capture and share their lives with increasing effortlessnes, and figuring out what we can do to make this sharing easier and richer still. " : Tech Turns Users Into Mobile News Makers : Tech Turns Users Into Mobile News Makers: "Married to the Mob(log)?
With Mobile Technology, People Share Images, Views and News on the Fly"

v-2 Organisation | news | Moblogging

v-2 Organisation | news | Moblogging: "(That's pronounced 'mo,' as in 'mobile.') Take a look at HipTop Nation for a compelling glance at the future-becoming-present in real time: this is what happens when you fuse digital cameras and text-entry functionality with a way to publish it to the Web, for better and worse. Note: at this moment, this link is not safe for work."

OJR article: Moblogs Seen as a Crystal Ball for a New Era in Online Journalism

OJR article: Moblogs Seen as a Crystal Ball for a New Era in Online Journalism: "Moblogging is at a convergence of technical capabilities with the insatiable human thirst for new ways to learn, create, and communicate, and the political necessity for a truly effective peer-to-peer journalism as a counter to 'disinfotainment' cartels. Here's hoping that the pioneers will be joined by millions of others, that the Matt Drudges will be forgotten as the Dan Gillmors emerge by the dozens. Once upon a time, reporters were heroes. Maybe moblogging will help revive the endangered and vital tradition."

OJR article: Moblogs Seen as a Crystal Ball for a New Era in Online Journalism

OJR article: Moblogs Seen as a Crystal Ball for a New Era in Online Journalism: "As I write this, the world is in transition from my prediction and Justin's -- a moment when it is obvious that a new social phenomenon is emerging but it is not yet clear whether we are seeing a fad that is destined to be assimilated, commoditized, and/or disinformated, or whether we are witnessing the emergence of a powerful new medium for collective action, like the literacy that was enabled by the printing press and Internet."

OJR article: Moblogs Seen as a Crystal Ball for a New Era in Online Journalism

OJR article: Moblogs Seen as a Crystal Ball for a New Era in Online Journalism: "reality I had conjectured in 'Smart Mobs' in October 2002: 'What if smart mobs could empower entire populations to engage in peer-to-peer journalism? Imagine the power of the Rodney King video multiplied by the power of Napster. ... Putting video cameras and high-speed Net connections in telephones, however, moves blogging into the streets. By the time this book is published, I'm confident that street bloggers will have constructed a worldwide culture.'"

OJR article: Moblogs Seen as a Crystal Ball for a New Era in Online Journalism

OJR article: Moblogs Seen as a Crystal Ball for a New Era in Online Journalism: "Moblogs Seen as a Crystal Ball for a New Era in Online Journalism

But futurist Howard Rheingold says the ultimate democratization of the media will not be about technological advances; rather, it will entail upholding old-fashioned standards to earn viewers' trust.
Howard Rheingold
Posted: 2003-07-09"

quinta-feira, agosto 07, 2003

Anne Galloway | Resonances & Everyday Life: Ubiquitous Computing & the City (Draft)

Anne Galloway | Resonances & Everyday Life: Ubiquitous Computing & the City (Draft): "The very desire of Ubicomp to become embedded or pervasive technology serves to render space and time invisible; it quite simply seeks to go anywhere and be everywhere. One of the consequences of this approach is that relations of power and control are rendered similarly invisible.
Deleuze (1997) makes the case that although there remain disciplinary social institutions, we have moved away from a disciplinary society (following Foucault) and towards a more pervasive and intrusive society of control. This control manifests itself in multitudes of interconnected networks, where people, objects, activities and ideas are deeply intertwined, and dichotomies between public and private, or global and local, become untenable"

Anne Galloway | Resonances & Everyday Life: Ubiquitous Computing & the City (Draft)

Anne Galloway | Resonances & Everyday Life: Ubiquitous Computing & the City (Draft): "Post-structural thought in the humanities and social sciences, and especially that of Deleuze and Guattari, shifted the ground of study from interior/exterior dichotomies toward what might be called the 'relational' and notions of decentred subjectivity. This move focuses attention on the space in-between subjects and therefore not on any particular subject; in other words, the space of subjectless subjectivities where 'the product is the process' (Bains, 2002: 112) and full accounting, or representation, becomes impossible"

Anne Galloway | Resonances & Everyday Life: Ubiquitous Computing & the City (Draft)

Anne Galloway | Resonances & Everyday Life: Ubiquitous Computing & the City (Draft): "Tejp

Also a joint project between the Play Research Studio and the Future Applications Lab, Tejp (Swedish for 'tape') consists of sound-based prototypes inspired by 'situationism, graffiti and other forms of street art.'
This project explores various possibilities for overlaying personal traces and information on public spaces through different mediums and behavior patterns. It is our hope that Tejp will transform spectators into players and encourage playful ways to personalize territory in the public realm. We also hope to connect local communities by providing a space and sounding board for existing social relationships ("

Anne Galloway | Resonances & Everyday Life: Ubiquitous Computing & the City (Draft)

Anne Galloway | Resonances & Everyday Life: Ubiquitous Computing & the City (Draft): "RESONANCES AND EVERYDAY LIFE: UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING AND THE CITY
Anne Galloway, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University
© Copyright 2003
Author's Note:
This is a draft of a paper to appear in an upcoming special issue of Cultural Studies, Routledge. "

Hans de Graaff - PhD. Thesis - PhD Research

Hans de Graaff - PhD. Thesis - PhD Research: "Designing Interactive Systems: a perspective on supporting ill-structured work
The thesis is available as a PDF file (~5Mb) (in English), as are the propositions (in Dutch). Hardcopy can be ordered by sending email to me or through its ISBN 90-407-2248-X at the publisher: Delft University Press."


gameLab: "gameLab is a new kind of game developer. Cinema has its independent filmmakers. The music industry has alternative and underground bands and DJs. And the gaming industry needs its independent voices.
Our games break new ground by finding new audiences, inventing original forms of gameplay, and by exploring narrative content and visual and audio styles that aren't normally found in games.
What drives us? We're doing our part to expand the boundaries of the gaming world and reshape the culture of games."

Videogame Virtue

Videogame Virtue: "Videogame Virtue
Playing computer games doesn’t shorten kids' attention spans—it helps them to manage competing demands in the new era of 'continuous partial attention.'

By Henry Jenkins
Digital Renaissance
August 1, 2003"

segunda-feira, agosto 04, 2003

Welcome to iBurbia

Welcome to iBurbia: "The iBurbia media lab has been designed with technology at its heart for one simple reason; so that you will not have to worry about it. "

sexta-feira, agosto 01, 2003

n e t s o n d a

n e t s o n d a: "Serviços Móveis de Dados

Amostra: 1000 utilizadores da Internet em Portugal que utilizam SMS (Short Message Service) através do telemóvel.

Amostragem: Aleatória simples

Data de recolha da informação: 1 a 7 de Julho de 2002

Processamento e Análise da informação: 8 a 10 de Julho de 2002"

Que futuro para o sector das Comunicações em Portugal?, APDC (2002)

International Conference on Cross

International Conference on Cross: "Opening Address:
- Albert Gauthier, European Commission — 'Cross-Media: A reality?' "

ELPUB Digital Library: works: Main Menu

ELPUB Digital Library: works: Main Menu: "ELPUB Digital Library: works "

ELPUB Digital Library: works: Paper 0342:Layout Design Principles for Cross Platform Publications

ELPUB Digital Library: works: Paper 0342:Layout Design Principles for Cross Platform Publications: "Paper 0342:
Layout Design Principles for Cross Platform Publications"

International Conference on Cross Media, May 2003

International Conference on Cross
Conference Programme

A Interatividade na Televisão Digital - Um Estudo Preliminar, Ana Vitória Joly (2002)
A Interatividade na Televisão Digital é um projeto de pesquisa que pretende explorar a associação do envolvimento proporcionado pela tv ao telespectador, com o acesso à diversidade de informação característico na Internet, em prol de uma programação com qualidade que proveja interação, exploração, e imersão.
-- a visão de uma investigadora brasileira sobre TV interactiva.

Generative Art
Generative Art performs the idea as process. Moving from Artefacts to Artegens GA builds Natural/Artificial Worlds. Transforming generative codes realize, as natural DNA does, always different and unpredictable series of events, pictures, industrial objects, architectures, music, environment, communications, software and hardware devices, all recognizable by creative concepts. GA is identifiable as one of the most advanced approaches in creative and design world. It performs the incoming new naturality of artificial world. Generative Projects, Morphogenetic Design, Evolutionary Systems can design the species, their identity in progress, the recognizability of each possible generated event, the complexity of contemporary objects, spaces, communications and music.
-- arte generativa, hum...