quinta-feira, agosto 07, 2003

Anne Galloway | Resonances & Everyday Life: Ubiquitous Computing & the City (Draft)

Anne Galloway | Resonances & Everyday Life: Ubiquitous Computing & the City (Draft): "The very desire of Ubicomp to become embedded or pervasive technology serves to render space and time invisible; it quite simply seeks to go anywhere and be everywhere. One of the consequences of this approach is that relations of power and control are rendered similarly invisible.
Deleuze (1997) makes the case that although there remain disciplinary social institutions, we have moved away from a disciplinary society (following Foucault) and towards a more pervasive and intrusive society of control. This control manifests itself in multitudes of interconnected networks, where people, objects, activities and ideas are deeply intertwined, and dichotomies between public and private, or global and local, become untenable"