terça-feira, setembro 02, 2003

Japan Media Review -- Camera phones changing the definition of picture-worthy

Dados interessantes sobre os temas da fotografias tiradas pelos utilizadores de telemóveis com câmaras, em particular a elevada percentagem (42,4%) de imagens de coisas que lhes aconteceram e que eram interessantes (tradução fraquita, mas é o que se pode arranjar a esta hora...).

Japan Media Review -- Camera phones changing the definition of picture-worthy: "In a survey by IPSe Marketing conducted in December last year, 42.4 percent of camera phone users reported that they took photos of 'things that they happened upon that were interesting.' This was followed by family members (39.5 percent), friends (36.6 percent), self (26.4 percent), pets (23.7 percent) and travel photos (21.5 percent). The contrast between the serendipitous and everyday categories leading the pack and the trailing 'travel photo' category is a striking testament to the everyday and ubiquitous uses of the camera phone."