quinta-feira, julho 31, 2003

Bibliografia - computer-mediated communication, T.L. Taylor

Living Digitally: Embodiment in Virtual Worlds, T.L. Taylor

"Intentional Bodies: Virtual Environments and the Designers Who Shape Them," - T.L. Taylor

Multiple Pleasures - Women and Online Gaming, T.L. Taylor

Abstract: This article explores the issue of gender and computer games by looking at the growing population of women in massive multiplayer online role-playing environments (MMORPGs). It explores what are traditionally seen as masculine spaces and seeks to understand the variety of reasons women might participate. Through ethnographic and interview data, the themes of social interaction, mastery and status, team participation, and exploration are considered as compelling activities female gamers are engaging in online. Given that these online games often include a component of fighting, the issue of violence is discussed. Rather than seeing this group of players as an anomaly, this article explores how focusing on the pleasures women derive from gaming might lend a more complex understanding of both gender and computer games. Finally, a consideration of how design is affecting this emerging genre is explored.

Content & Experience in a Transmedia World, Brenda Laurel

http://www.newmedia.com/nm-ie.asp?articleID=2468"Content will no longer be associated with a particular media type when this happens, but will be associated across all media types," says Laurel. "Therefore it has to be designed for all media types."
The biggest challenge with developing a transmedia presence, according to Laurel, is recognizing that automated solutions are ineffective because the affordances of different access devices (cell phones, laptop, PDA, etc.) require different design.

Reclaiming Media , Brenda Laurel

As we look at the professional landscape that awaits new designers, we see a growing trend in both branding and in the design of products and services toward transmedia strategies. Increasingly, design involves many different media types that are integrated into a coherent whole, employing various combinations of web, wireless, print, video, audio, and objects. We want our students to become media strategists who understand how to orchestrate these various media in ways that take advantage of the unique powers of each, and to achieve coherence and relatedness among them. Tomorrow, it will not be enough to be a Flash cowboy. Our goal is to produce designers who can become thought leaders in the emerging discipline of transmedia design.

quarta-feira, julho 30, 2003

Fat Ciw Motel - iTV program

We (aka tHe tWiNs ©) have planted clues to help you solve the mystery each week. These clues can be found in the Fat Cow Motel, Fat Cow Bugle and Fat Cow Town Websites.

IDEO - The Art of Innovation

IDEO - Design Method Cards


Collaborative Work-Space, Canada.


terça-feira, julho 29, 2003


The interactive culture industry - KPGM 2002

The goal of the Danish presidency's initiative, regarding interactive cultural
products, is to discuss with member countries and the Commission, whether an
enhanced effort should be initiated to promote interactive cultural production in
Europe. It is, also, a goal to identify specific issues and action areas to be included
in such an effort.
The initiative aims to launch a process, focusing on the cultural and commercial
potential of interactive media in Europe – perhaps in the form of new analyses and

The Word Spy!

Welcome to the home of the Word Spy! This Web site and its associated mailing list are devoted to recently coined words and phrases, old words that are being used in new ways, and existing words that have enjoyed a recent renaissance. These aren't "stunt words" or "sniglets," but new words and phrases that have appeared in newspapers, magazines, books, press releases, and Web sites.

Mob(b)log - All the mobs that are fit to post

FLASH mawb) n. A large group of people who gather in a usually predetermined location, perform some brief action, and then quickly disperse. —v., —adj.
—flash mobber n.
—flash mobbing pp.

segunda-feira, julho 28, 2003

A New Set of Social Rules for a Newly Wireless Society

Mobile media are bringing sweeping changes to how we coordinate, communicate, and share information.
In his new book, Smart Mobs, Howard Rheingold describes mobile phones as heralding "the next social revolution." He opens his book with a description of roving mobs of mobile phone-toting youths in Tokyo’s Shibuya crossing, the place with the highest density of mobile phone use in the world.
Mizuko Ito Posted: 2003-02-14

technology and children's development: a course blog

This is a blog site for a class called "New Technology & Child Development" being taught in the Cognitive Studies in Education program at the University of Washington by Philip Bell. The class has a dual focus on understanding the technological fluencies that kids are developing with new technologies as well as how digital technologies, electronic gadgets, and interactive media are influencing children's development.

What is The Message?

Derrick de Kerkhove: Recobrando la autonomía

Tanto en la comisión de las 15 hs. como en la de las 17 hs. hemos realizado una conceptualización detallada tanto de algunos términos nuevos introducidos por De Kerkhove, a saber, Psicotecnologías, Tecnopsicología, aturdimiento tecnológico y fetichización de la tecnología. También hemos realizado un concienzudo análisis de la argumentación de De Kerkhove que sostiene que la TV le habla al cuerpo y no a la mente, así como del planteo sobre la delegación del procesamiento de la información en los procesos de edición que ocurre en la relación entre el televidente y la televisión de masas. Recordemos también que hicimos un intento por caracterizar la televisión de masas a partir de aquella famosa distinción semiótica entre paleo y neo-televisión. (...)
Luego de estos dos estadios, se introducen algunas tecnologías que terminarán, dice de Kerkhove, con el sujeto pasivo que ha entregado su autonomía al procesamiento de la edición televisiva. Estas tecnologías tienen su punto naciente en el zapping, pasan por las técnicas de video edición, podríamos agregar la interactividad de los video games que dan a la tv una funcionalidad distinta, y culminan en el uso más o menos generalizado de la computadora personal. Es en esta fase, dice el autor, que el usuario vuelve a recuperar la autonomía perdida en los brazos de la televisión , y a partir de las tecnologías interactivas, puede retomar el control del procesamiento y contestarle a la máquina. El procesamiento en este caso, no es ni autónomo ni externo, sino que es un procesamiento de información intermedio, donde "el usuario no es el amo ni el esclavo, sino un poco las dos cosas" nos explica el heredero de Mc Luhan. El límite entre el adentro (la mente) y el afuera (la máquina) se desdibuja y se construye a la vez en el terreno de la interfaz, que se define como toda mediación (sea física o lógica, de hardware o software) donde se construye la relación entre hombre máquina. Relación que hay que construir desde su diseño, en tanto es construye nuestro canal de comunicación con la máquina: a un mal diseño de interfaz puede corresponder una relación conflictiva con la máquina, a un diseño amigable, una relación armoniosa.

terça-feira, julho 22, 2003

Mensagens e informação geográfica entre preferências de utilizadores nacionais

O envio de mensagens sem restrições bem como a possibilidade de tirar partido do posicionamento geográfico para obter informação variada ou indicações de orientação para determinado local são dois dos serviços que suscitaram maior interesse entre os 1.341 membros do Mobile ePanel, um painel criado entre a IDC e a Netsonda para o desenvolvimento de pesquisa junto de potenciais utilizadores dos Serviços Móveis de Dados e do mCommerce em Portugal.

IDC e Netsonda analisam a evolução dos Serviços Móveis de Dados em Portugal

Perante a necessidade cada vez maior das empresas utilizadoras e fornecedoras conhecerem as características dos utilizadores dos serviços móveis de dados, a IDC e a Netsonda apresentaram os resultados do terceiro inquérito ao Mobile ePanel, onde percebe-se claramente a existência de três clusters de utilizadores. Não obstante as várias considerações que se seguem sobre os clusters não serem totalmente representativas da população portuguesa, julgamos que constituem indicadores aproximados dos actuais utilizadores do mercado.

A lot is about to change in the near future - Kevin Werbach

One knew that Kevin Werbach was going to deliver a challenging presentation from the moment he took to the stage an announced he was from "a country that can conquer the Iraqi army in 3 weeks but can't figure out SMS." The futurologist protégé of cyber-guru Esther Dyson has a habit of getting people to acknowledge the radical implications of technology that already surrounds them. Basically, so Kevin's thesis goes, broadcast technology is decentralising, and so are people's usage habits. As the devices at the edges become more intelligent and less expensive, the ones at the centre become less important. This, says Kevin, is already happening with the 'last-mile' connectivity of wireless networks. It has also been the culture of the internet, leading to such creations as file-sharing systems, and entrepreneurial innovations at the edges, such as E-bay. And it is beginning to happen to broadcast media more generally, which means that companies that make their money by relying on notions of scarcity may be in for a bit of a nasty shock. With weblogs now rivalling newspaper columnists, P2Ps are toppling record companies and PVRs are taking captive audiences away from advertisers, a lot is about to change in the near future - and those attempting to turn the tide may be destined to end up as King Canute figures.

Survey: Next Generation Entertainment & Media: Conference Development Survey

Gartner Survey
-- possível fonte de "inspiração" para inquérito a realizar junto de players

Cross-Platform Producing, Friday, June 27, 2003

***DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION PAVILION***Presented by the Interactive Media Peer Group, Academy of Television Arts & Sciences ** With an introduction by Chris Marlowe, Associate Editor, New Media and Technology, The Hollywood Reporter. More and more content is being exploited across multiple platforms -- from Television to Interactive TV to Two-Screen experiences to mobile phones and handheld computers. What is the production process for this cross-platform programming? How do you integrate production across these media? What is the producers role? How is the usability defined? Is this the future of producing?