Virgin Mary in a tree
Virgin Mary in a tree: "David Pescovitz: Antonia 'Toni' Filipertis, 84, of Lockport, NY, discovered images of the Virgin Mary in a maple tree outside her house. From the Niagara Gazette: “The voice, she told me to look on your tree,” she related in a Polish accent. “I come out and parked the car in the front and I look on the tree and I don’t see nothing.” Filipertis said that Mary’s voice was very soft. “She said, ‘Look at your tree. I’m in three places,’ and she was in three places .... And I look in this branch and she was very clear.” Three stubs of three branches had pictures on them... It is the second time members of the family have seen a vision. Twins James Filipertis and Dorothy (Filipertis) Fitzgerald saw the Holy Family — Mary, Joseph and Jesus — in the sky on a clear night in 1960 when they were 7 years old. Link (via Fark) "
-- say what??? olha este a pensar que é um pastorinho...
-- say what??? olha este a pensar que é um pastorinho...
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