sexta-feira, setembro 27, 2002
EPG Usability - Sample Chapter
-- informação muito interessante sobre usabilidade nos EPGs.

sexta-feira, setembro 20, 2002
The goal is to focus attention on the p2pnet as a positive and vital part of Net growth both now, and for the future.
-- person-to-person.
Ergonomics Standards & Legislation- a investigar.
Interactive TV-Styleguide: a hypertext-based document containing a set of guidelines for the development of user interfaces for ITV-services.
-- a verificar.

quarta-feira, setembro 18, 2002
Convergent Gaming - Imagine a game you can play any time, anywhere, against anyone. A game that comes to you instead of waiting for you to come to it. A game you can play for two minutes or several hours. That's nGame's vision of convergent gaming, using every technological trick to expand the players' experience and the depth of the game.
Microsoft - Usability Research web site
- a ver...
Cost Effective User Centred Design, a report on usability and user centred design incorporating two case studies
Handbook of User-Centred Design
- a ler com calma.
Applying the Behavioral, Cognitive, and Social Sciences to Products, by Donald A. Norman, Set. 2001
-- repete algumas das ideias que já se encontravam no The Invisible Computer, mas vale a pena ler!
How to Conduct a Heuristic Evaluation, by Jakob Nielsen
-- heurísticas de avaliação por Jakob Nielsen.
The following principles are fundamental to the design and implementation of effective interfaces, whether for traditional GUI environments or the web.
-- heurísticas de avaliação por Bruce "Tog" Tognazzini.
Interactive Human Behavior: Applications to Interactive Television Services, October 1997
-- mais um documento da IACTA que promete ser uma leitura apetitosa.
Lessons Learned From iTV: A Four-Year Study of Consumers Interacting with Television
-- pela tabela de conteúdos, o documento é fabuloso: no entanto, o preço é proíbitivo...´
IACTA iTV studies
Iacta's mission is to understand the dynamics of serving interactive content and services to consumers via TV.
-- documentação interessante da IACTA, sobre TV interactiva.

terça-feira, setembro 17, 2002
«Interactive Digital TV Market Forecast – Europe»
The Broadband Entertainment Strategies service of Strategy Analytics today released the results of its latest research on the European interactive television market. This report, «Interactive Digital TV Market Forecast – Europe,» reveals that consumers will spend $92 million on interactive TV applications and services this year, an increase of 121 percent. By 2008, annual revenues will reach $1.8 billion.
-- Deus os oiça! Mais uma previsão histérica???
Cyberdock version of Nicholas Negroponte's bestselling "Being Digital" -- curioso, apesar de datado; 1995 já foi há tanto tempo... ou nem por isso. Interessante para quem não quiser gastar dinheiro no livro.
Relatório do Grupo de Alto Nível sobre a política audiovisual, 1998.
-- documento ainda de interesse para as questões relacionadas com convergência.
Study ties mental abilities to interaction of emotion and cognitive skills
[St. Louis, MO., 3-18-02]
In a study of how human emotional states influence higher mental abilities, cognitive neuroscientists at Washington University in St. Louis have shown that watching even just 10 minutes of classic horror films or prime-time television comedies can have a significant short-term influence on areas of the brain critical for reasoning, intelligence, and other types of higher cognition.
-- muito interessante...

segunda-feira, setembro 16, 2002
The motivation for this NetAcademy is based on the fact that research on Media Management is completely new and no common body of knowledge has yet been established. At the same time, the media industry is underlying fundamental changes, altering the whole existing structure of the industry.
Technoprofetas - a explorar demoradamente...
Low Country Guidance is a cross media design group specializing in designing physical and digital environments that enable communities to enthusiastically and effectively communicate
Usability News - informação sobre conferências e eventos associados a usabilidade. Boa lista de conferências sobre usabilidade, a verificar de vez em quando...
URL da conferência de HCI 2002 para Móveis (os telefones).
Parece-me bem...

terça-feira, setembro 03, 2002
Conferência Internacional sobre a Cultura das Redes
International Conference on Network Culture
July 2002
Ph.D. study plan for Louise Barkhuus